Day 2

Goal: Install Project Dependencies with Cordova and get a hello world.



- Install WSL2 [Success]
- Install Cordova [Success], Typescript [Success], Vue3 [Success], OnsenUI [Failed],
- Get Hello World working on Mac[Failed]


I was planning too far into the future and adding needless complexity. In the future I can split the repo's up into mutiple files and pull the 'core' into all the systems. I was substituting theoretical ability to add multiple platforms to compensate for my fear that the project won't be good and the only way to 'redeem' it would be to show how many platforms it running on. Now that I can say it outloud I realize that's not true. A shitty project is gonna be shitty no matter how many platforms its on.

Total hours:


Stream log:

Why differentiate between update and full-upgrade? The first installs but doesn't remove packages. The second does what you'd consider for an update (remove and install packages).

Fuck NPM honestly. It works and then it doesn't. Why is it so hard to setup a fucking cordova project?

Okay reinstalling WSL distro.
Great now have to update the windows WSL via an MSI.

ARRGGGGGGG Now Ubuntu can't fucking get the remote repo even with the firewall off :eyeroll:

Okay seems that it's an issue on their end. That's not good. I've tested on two seperate sites. Running a DNS test to see if it's a global or localized DNS failure.

Oak so it's working except for me.... That's sucks. I'll clear the DNS cache and see if that helps.

Now I tried executing sudo apt-get remove --purge resolvconf && sudo apt-get install --reinstall resolvconf to see if it was a configuration issue except I shouldn't have because we can't install for shit. :facepalm:

Okay examined tinyfirewall configuration, so turns out that updating to WSL2 caused a firewall rule to kick in that I have to manually enable. Ping now actually showing IP but actual pinging hangs...

Even with firewall off pinging is failing in Windows 10 and Ubuntu2004 WSL 2.

Still bizzare. Can't ping at all. Can do on another device.
Correction can't. Something is going wrong...

Tracing route fails after second, third and fourth route :confounded: However on another device it takes 19 hops and then stops at

Switched to different DNS provider (OpenDNS) and flushed caches still problem :scratchinghead:

Can ping local router and router can ping but somehow my devices can't directly ping.

Okay now can.Reinstalling sudo apt-get install --reinstall resolvconf

Finally installing NPM and getting the goal for today started.

Okay only took an hour to have Ubuntu2004 behave. :breaths:

Need Node14 so I'll uninstall other NPM and install curl -sL | sudo bash -

Good new Node 14.17.6 and npm 6.14.15

YAY I got vue working close to the 85 minute mark!

Universalify not working and halting Electron build.

Okay installed manually.

Cordova run electron --nobuild not doing anything :confused:

Switched to using a head mode since WSL doesn't easily have aGUI mode.

Switching to computer that has it non virtualized OS

Discovered issue with building Electron with Catalina. Investigating difference between .dmg and .pkg.

Okay Cordova is confusing and I'm realizing that the fact their is two levels of abstraction makes me uncomfortable. I think I'm planning too far ahead. I can create for the desktop then if the desktop is successful split off and create mobile.

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