Day 23

What I did: Planned next big step

Total time: 57.883


1) Plan Next Big step (30 day target)
Done the goal is simple yet also quite complicated because it involves determining the architecture and overall complexity/simplicity of the system. I've settled on a 2SSL terminator -> Session Unwrapper -> Worker -> Session Wrapper -> 2SSL Intiator
2) Plan each set of 5 hours chunks
Here is the current plan:

5 hour milestone:
Transcribe and bring spec docs up to date digitally
10 hour milestone:
Finalize Kyber and secure library setup + testing
15 hour milestone:
Implement 2SSL state 0 to 1 API and abstraction layer sudo API in rough code
20 hour milestone:
Implement authentication and key distribution
25 hour milestone:
Implement and plan session storage client side abstraction
30 hour milestone:
Implement and plan session storage server side
35 hour milestone:
Add contingencies for following:
1) Too many connections (this prevents a database from being overrun or being filled with junk data or DDOSing the database layer, discovering the flow of internal data route (for example how congested, which 2SSL terminator and 2SSL initiators are being used)
2) Connection corruption retrieval locally
40 hour milestone:
Implement DDOS protection
45 hour milestone:
Plan relay server concept

         ┌──────────────┐        ┌─────────────────────┐
         │              │        │                     │
  ──────►│ 2SSL Terminator       │ Session unwrapper   │
         │              ┌────────►                     ├─────────────┐
         │              │        │                     │             │
         └──────────────┘        └─────────────────────┘             │
                                                                │                       │◄───────────────
                                                                │                       │
                                                                │   Worker              ├───────────────►
                                                                │                       │
      ┌──────────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────────┐      │                       │
      │                      │     │                     │      └──────┬────────────────┘
      │                      │     │                     │             │
      │     2SSL Instigator  │     │  Session wrapper    │             │
◄─────┤                      │◄────┤                     │             │
      │                      │     │                     │  ◄──────────┘
      │                      │     │                     │
      └──────────────────────┘     └─────────────────────┘

The beauty of this system is that it scales well for single and multi data center concept which is really powerful and forward thinking. :P
50 hour milestone:
Implement database contingencies
55 hour milestone:
Clean code and update documentation
60 hour milestone:
Provide working demo from Sapphire Pack to Heroku App or any other cloud provider.

3) Updated block regarding security from 'Setup two layers of security with the public/private key, including a hardcoded expiry requirement and list of pubic and private keys (signed with a primary key to authenticate and verify that changes are authorized).' Indicate first version will have hardcoded keys that will expire March 2023.

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