Day 86


Total hours:195.800

Top three:

1) Quickbooks Setup

I’ve setup Quickbooks and had a massive horrible feeling. I’ve made no progress at all. None really. I haven’t budged one inch forward. The protocol that I am working on at 2SSL doesn’t provide any value directly to the consumer nor provide long term benefit to Sapphire Pack. When I’m looking at money and net income and where I’ll start and begin having.

Okay it does provide value but the question is the value provided worth the hassle in implementation???

Since it’s one application per device the language needs to be as simple as possible yet at the same time secure and e2e encrypted. That is I’m not gonna be able to use one language to rule them all.

2) Taxes

I refilled taxes including Sapphire Pack and I’m happy that I’m now caught up on Sapphire Pack taxes.

3) Email and Calendar

This was the final straw that I was needing since I need calendar and email to keep things together. Separate it from my personal email address and personal finances.

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