Midwest Isopods

Welcome to your premier online destination for all things isopods, proudly based in NW Iowa! We're dedicated to providing enthusiasts and beginners alike with high-quality, diverse species of these remarkable creatures.

Creating the Ideal Habitat for Isopods

Whether you're keeping isopods for educational purposes or simply as pets, providing them with a suitable habitat is crucial for their well-being. Among the various considerations for an isopod enclosure, the choice of container and ventilation stands out as fundamental. I keep all of my isopods in gasket sealed containers, with a fine stainless steel mesh. Here's why: Maintaining Controlled Environment One of the primary reasons for using a gasket-sealed bin is to maintain a controlled enviro...
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Providing a Balanced Diet for Isopods

Understanding Isopod Nutrition Before diving into the specifics of their diet, it's essential to understand the natural dietary habits of isopods. These critters are detritivores, meaning they primarily feed on decaying plant material and other organic matter found in their environment. In captivity, replicating this diet as closely as possible is key to ensuring their health and longevity. Food Sources Leaf Litter: Isopods thrive on a diet rich in leaf litter. Leaves from hardwood trees suc...
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The Importance of Not Sterilizing Leaf Litter

In the natural world, leaf litter isn't just a pile of dead leaves; it's a thriving ecosystem teeming with life at the microscopic level. Beneath the surface of those fallen leaves, a bustling community of bacteria and fungi work tirelessly to break down organic matter, releasing nutrients vital for the surrounding environment. Isopods, being detritivores, rely on this decomposed organic matter as a primary food source. However, they aren't just consuming the leaves themselves; they're also inge...
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