Edison Deck Prompt: "Things that bring you bliss." I don't know if I've ever experienced bliss. To me bliss is a emotional singularity. It's bigger than an a state of exceptional happiness. It's a gravity of emotion that pulls as quick as two industrial magnets that clack together when near each other. Pow, bliss. Maybe I have experienced bliss.  My interpretation of the word could be all out of whack.  I could be over thinking it.  Who knows.  This list includes 10 instances which I fee...
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People I Was Once Close To
Best Self Edison Deck Prompt: "People that you've been close to in the past, but aren't close now." John Kish - John is probably my 1st best friend. I once asked him, "Think we'll be best friends forever?" In his usual way he succinctly said, "No." That was a painful moment for me. I guess he was right.Jason Kish - I was never "close" to Jason but he is John's nonidentical twin. I feel like he made more of an effort than I at being friends. I regret not reaching out to him more often.Ry...
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