Law of Five Elements, five types of humans

The Law of Five Elements is used in Chinese medicine to help identify and treat the fundamental weakness every human has.

In Chinese medical theory, we are all born with a set of talents and we use some of them as our "winning formula" or a go-to tool to achieve what we need to achieve. Over time, this "greatest strenght" becomes our "greates weakness" as we have a tendency to overdraw that account.

As mentioned here before, the Chinese theory proposes that everything we do, from our physiology to our emotional or spiritual state, even our ability to feel and love another person are all produced by our own organs - specifically the 12 main organs (and no - the brain is not one of them). So even our ideas, our creativity our ability to fight and stand up for others is provided by our organs.

This leads us to the 5 types of humans. According to Five Element acupuncture, there are only 5 types of humans and we arrive to this world already set to be only one of the five types. This is refered to as a Causative (or Constitutional) Factor (CF).

We can obviously use the talents that are included with other types, we can sometimes seem like we embody multiple types and it is sometimes very difficult to tell one's type (usually with healthy people no single type stands out). But ultimately, (the theory says) each one of us is just one type and uses that type as his "greates strenght that slowly becomes the greatest weaknes".

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