Impact of stress on your health *

In the following posts we'll look at the Four Riders of Apocalypse, how they impact our body and how to overcome the damage they create. To recap, the Four Riders of Apocalypse are:

  • Stress
  • Poor sleep
  • Poor diet and
  • Lack of movement (exercise)

They are listed in the specific order starting with the most devastating one.

When you observe other primates in their natural environment, you notice that they are integrated, connected with Nature and are lounging and resting most of the time. Inaction (non-action) is what is natural to primates as they are efficient hunters and social creatures who need to spend time interacting with their community.

Our lifestyle is very different from other primates. We have somehow forgotten to slow down and smell the roses, we are usually on the go, forgetting how to relax.

Our culture celebrates the Yang to a point of excess - we like to say "have you seen that guy, he never stops working!" as if there was anything in Nature that can never stop. We forgot that illness is dis-ease = a lack of ease...

Western scientists have proven with lab animal tests that stress alone can kill. If you ask your Western doctor about it, they'll agree but will probably offer no advice on how to avoid it. Yet, one of the biggest things you could do for your health is actually to remove Stress from your life.

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