Poor diet is a Rider of Apocalypse

The third Rider of Apocalypse is poor diet. Our bodies were designed to consume natural (whole) foods and have evolved to efficiently break them down and extract just the right amount of nutrients and energy from it.

Nowadays there is a lot of confusion over what, when and how to consume and at best it could leave you malnourished. At the worst, modern food trends will slow down your metabolism, damage your small intestine and pancreas and cause all sorts of elimination issues.

When employing the Human Condition Theory (HCT) we can gather a lot of clues about what our diet should look like. What we can look at is how did people across cultures, across races and across ages eat? This is what is tried and true, proven to work and what also drives health and longevity of the modern centenarians.

From the HCT view we can see that humans across races, cultures and time ate breakfast, ate meat, didn't use stimulants (caffeine) and alcohol (until relatively recent times), they cooked their food, and consumed very little milk and milk products.

This is what human history shows us. What most people in the developed world do at present doesn't match what we did in order to become the dominant species in this planet. Instead, we consume processed and ultra processed foods, we eat meals that are so big - we need to skip some, we use stimulants to keep us going longer than it is natural.

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