How to take care of YOU? *

Taking the Needleit health test (post: Heal it yourself (HIY) - Test *) and having identified your CF will give you a view into your health issues and tools to address them.

Since 2006 and the research done at Karolinska Institute by Dr. Jonas Frisen, we know that most of the cells in the human body are regularly renewed. So fast in fact that every 7-10 years most of our tissues have been completely replaced by the new ones.

What this discovery confirms is that: (a) if your body ever had good health and (b) your body keeps re-making itself - it is logical that: (c) if you give your body what it needs, within 7-10 years your body will re-create good health again.

You should also expect that in the process of re-building you will start feeling much better long before the re-built is complete.

There are some caveats to this idea, like the fact that your cells don't renew at the same quality and pace when you're in your 20s vs when you're in your 60s or 70s.

Also, your battery (Kidney) and your metabolic rate diminish with time so the repair that your body does may not be done as well if you're past your prime. But logic tells us that we will benefit tremendously if we can "align our behavior to our design" and provide the body with things it needs to thrive.

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