AI and the future economy --preview

Below is part of my conversation with ChatGPT(3.5) my original transcript is unreadable by humans because I was just dictating raw to my note app without editing. This is basically 2/5 until I got stuck again. I want to put this out in to the world with a follow-up to come later.

Thank you for sending all the parts of the text. I have received them all and will now process the request. To confirm, you had requested that I rewrite the text and remove redundant or rambling text while making minimal edits to focus on spelling, grammar, and correcting words to make sense as needed. Is that correct?

Yes that is correct

Great, here's the edited text based on your request:

I have been thinking a lot about the future of AI and technology, and where this is all headed. Predictions made years ago about the capabilities we are starting to see in the world are playing out closely to what was forecasted, and it's only going to accelerate. AI autocomplete type programs already exist that can do some amazing things. Automated programming efforts are generating tools faster, easier, and often with better code than their human counterparts. The number of developers has exploded recently, especially those with an inkling of how programming ought to work. The growth is happening so quickly right now, but it will plateau slightly until the next generation of hardware comes out, after which we'll experience a series of exponential growth followed by a short plateau and more exponential growth.

We've already seen evidence of exponential growth and several plateaus in computing over the last 20-50 years. We were living in one of those plateau moments before ChatGPT became a reality. Refining cell phones, graphics cards, processors, and different things had been happening, but nothing really big was commercially available, at least not for most people. Now with ChatGPT version 4, we have something that not only works, but works pretty well. It's the equivalent of a college student compared to ChatGPT version 3 or 3.5, which was more like a high school student. ChatGPT4 has a college level understanding and mastery of topics across virtually all subject domains, at or above what you would expect from someone with a bachelor's or even a master's degree in certain areas. The next iteration of ChatGPT or something similar will be even more advanced and have a PhD in virtually every field, enabling it to understand very advanced topics in high detail. At that point, we'll have an AGI or AGI-like system.

Having one system that can do it all is great, but we don't necessarily need AGI to have an extremely powerful tool that can make huge changes in the way we live, both positive and negative. Our economy is at risk, not for the reasons that people are thinking about today, but because businesses and industries are being impacted by generative art models that are replacing human artists. We are already seeing people who can no longer be artists because it's simply inefficient to have a human being create digital art when a computer can do it better and faster. A large language model like ChatGPT can take documentation and generate a prompt that is already superior to the prompts that some people can build. A language model such as ChatGPT4 will not only be able to search the internet and databases for research, but it will also understand the pinnacle of human research.

Computers will be able to do their own computer science, and we're already pretty close to that point. They'll be able to learn, understand, potentially develop their own reasoning and researching into themselves, making them faster and more efficient with fewer resources. The most useful way that a computer can be beneficial is to do its own computer science, and we'll enter an age where graphics cards will become AI-driven and beneficial for gaming. We're not far off from having an AI that can generate its own computer game on the fly. The next generation of Nvidia, AMD, and Intel cards will be AI-driven, and computers will be able to learn and understand more about the world than we ever thought possible.

Thank you for the opportunity to edit your text. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns

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