
A digital garden for my thoughts and interests. My blog in Arabic : https://listed.to/@_Sala7yet

[Book Review]: The Charisma Machine by Morgan G.Ames

The Charisma Machine is more than a decade-long work, deeply field-researched and studied ethnographic work by Morgan G. Ames, on the life, death, and legacy of the One Laptop Per Child Project (OLPC). The OLPC is a "non-profit" project that promised a "revolution" in education by providing a cheap 100-dollar-laptop to each kid and integrating it to their everyday schooling in order "for children to learn with, and from, computers". The creators of the project believed that by giving children th...
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Manufacturing Consent

Once in a while, I would re-watch this 1996-interview for the fun of it. Chomsky was just right about everything from his analysis of the future of the internet to his laying out of the facts quite effortlessly. The journalist himself was an embodiment of Chomsky's point, and he failed to realize that, and the reality check Chomsky exposed the journalist to made him really uncomfortable. What was interesting of the re-watch this time was Chomsky's praising of the Haitian press despite all ...
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Opium of the Masses

All of a sudden, and after only minutes, I forgot what exactly I was watching on YouTube for a while, I was really stunned, how could I forgot what "content" was I watching after such an infinitesimally short period of time of "consuming" it? is my memory that bad? are these symptoms of Alzheimer in a young age? Then I remembered a book I read about that I thought might have some answers, and boy I was glad that memory of the book popped-up in my mind, the book is titled Amusing Ourselves To De...
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Cat and Mouse

Recently, My wife had her phone broken, so it was a necessity to buy her a new phone, this time I decided to get her one which I can play with to make it a more privacy-oriented, and at the same time keep all the apps that she often uses (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Snapshat...etc) in order not to disturb her daily use. When I first got the phone with its original official Stock Android, I was really disturbed, The phone was filled with bloatware, and every official app from OPPO that you ...
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"Berber Sea-Pirates"

I have been reading Oded Abarbnel's memoir blog-posts, he is the pilot of the Israeli EL AL 426 flight that was hijacked by the PLFP in 1968 and directed to land in Algeria and stayed there for 40 days. What struck me most in his memoir of the incident was the racist and orientalist nature of his telling of the story. The other thing that struck me was the the lack of gratitude and meanness (and even lack of manners) in face of the good treatment these Israeli hostages have experienced in Algeri...
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