"Waste, fraud, and abuse"
February 28, 2025•487 words
"Waste, fraud, and abuse"
The consistent messaging from the Elon- and Felon-led and Magapublican-supported Oligarcoup is the chant "waste, fraud, and abuse" along with the claim that cleaning it up is what "people voted for" and that "people love what we're doing".
To break that down a bit, I present the following Newspeak-esque definitions:
"People" only refers to oligarchs and the rich leadership of Magapublican base. Interestingly, "people" also includes supportive foreign oligarchs, authoritarians and dictators (wannabe and actual) and right-wing groups - basically, anyone vaguely (or solidly) fascist. Newly added are human traffickers like the Tates.
Notably absent groups are women, Blacks, the indigenous and anyone else lumped together as immigrants (except, maybe, EB-5 visa holders), Democrats (which now includes anyone labeled a RINO), those catalogued (literally, soon) as LGBTQ+, the disabled community, etc. No doubt this list will grow. Individual people in these groups may provisionally qualify based on their performative, uh, performance. Until they don't.
The Poors
The poors are the portion of the country that don't qualify as people. (This includes me and probably you, too.) This is the servant class. Anyone dependent on any government services is in the poors. Anyone in the United States who makes less than $360,000 a year falls here.
This includes the vast majority of the magaverse, many of whom believe themselves to be people but they are wrong. To be clear, no one in this category are counted as people for the purposes of ruining, er, running the country.
Waste is any wealth, money, services, or benefits that go to the poors and not to people.
Fraud is any action or policy that diverts wealth, money, services, and other benefits from people to the poors.
Abuse is any action or policy that would prevent or reduce wealth, money, services, or benefits from going to people.
Stay mad!
Do these alt-language definitions make their monstrous bloviations more transparent?
Certainly, this list is not complete and I'll update it as I figure things out. Hopefully, though, this list will allow you to cut through their obfuscatory blather to understand what they're really saying.
Stay mad.
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Written and posted and copyrighted on 2025-02-28 by me. Quote me if you want (linking to this post would be nice, too) but no one and no thing have permission to slurp this into any LLM vomit factory as training data.