In which your waxy poet waxes poetically on Jafar and the Toad King...
March 8, 2025•510 words
Morning thoughts about the fascist stewpot which is the current U.S. regime engendered by reading about a recent cabinet meeting/dick-wagging contest.
The dyspeptic elder Toad King sits constipated on his tarnished golden throne.
(Reader: Remember, if it's gold it won't tarnish. If it's tarnished, it was never gold.)
His inadequate, incapable, and incompetently-chosen sycophants each struggle to be his favorite fawning friend, his budding bosom buddy. With randomness that can only be capricious, he praises some, scorns others.
His jester, Jafar, capers around mocking them (and him). Meanwhile, the edgelord jester's tech-bro sabotage-monkey incel commandos undermine them at every turn. The brownshirts don't even have to be competent to do their job, just relentless and loyal... to Jafar.
The Toad King's only joy in life appears to be promulgating proclamations projecting power (in his imagination, anyway). His crowning accomplishment is his boxy, vertically-augmented autograph. In his turgid, turbid, turdish imagination, it makes him look regal.
(Dear Reader: he does not look regal.)
Everything he spews forth is a new commandment. And all his commandments must be obeyed, unthinkingly, unfailingly, illegally. And every time he sharts one out, his mildly enthused entourage all golf-clap and surreptitiously wipe the nervous sweat from their brows, hoping they haven't done something (or not done something) that might draw his ire.
Hire geniuses from M.I.T.! These air traffic controllers need to be the best.
It does not matter that it may contradict yesterday's ravings.
Do it! Now!
It does not matter that it alienates our neighbors, our allies.
Do it, anyway!
It does not matter that it emboldens rival states, unwittingly gifting them the means, motive, and monetary policy to replace what good will we had. They will make vassal states out of our former foreign aid recipients (we dare not call them our vassal states).
I don't care!
It does not matter that people will die.
Sucks to be them! If they wanted to live they'd be rich like me, not living in some shit-hole country!
(Reader, dearest Reader: Dear Leader, the Toad King, with the enthusiastic aid of his toadies, is dismantling our mixed-bag-of-a-legacy system, accelerating its decay into a shit-hole nuclear superpower ruled by the rivalrous rich. And it's not even the first one. The Toad King doesn't have an original bone in his head.)
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Written and posted and copyrighted on 2025-03-08 by me. Quote me if you want (linking to this post would be nice, too) but no one and no thing have permission to slurp this into any LLM vomit factory as training data.