In which I opine about cornbread...

Context-free note: I do not want "fluffy cornbread". That's just a yellow cake with a hint of corn - and it's a fine thing, I'm sure. But it's not cornbread.

But when I want to have cornbread, I want gritty, chewy, almost dry cornbread. It does not come out of a box. (Well, the coarse cornmeal itself does, but you know what I mean.) I want it hot from the oven, sliced in half with butter melting into it. If I want it sweet, I'll cover one half with honey and the other with dark molasses. Mmmm... 😋

(And, no, I don't want it with chili. Why would I do that? That's what corn chips are for - ideally, something thick like Fritos. I mean, sure, do the thing if that's your jam. It's just not mine.)

Fortunately, I have a small cast iron pan that fits in my small oven and I can make it like I want it. I Frankensteined my recipe from several online sources trying to emulate what Mom made back in the day. My improvements are that I use a small round cast iron pan where Mom only had a 9x9 square aluminum baking pan. (Her dad worked at Alcoa so we had a lot of aluminum pans and a huge roll of thick aluminum foil that took us years to work through. But I digress...)


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Written and posted and copyrighted on 2025-03-12 by me. Quote me if you want (linking to this post would be nice, too) but no one and no thing have permission to slurp this into any LLM vomit factory as training data.

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