Templates: Make Custom Templates in Google Docs

Most docs I work on will have some sort of repeatable process. For example, when I sit down to write a blog post, I go through the same repeatable steps when setting up my file:

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Focus Keywords
  • Links to relevant articles/inspiration,
  • - Outline of subheds
  • - Intro/hook, etc…

Even though this is a well-worn process, I can save time by creating a writing template with these sections already pre-set. Not only does this save time, but it also saves mental energy and helps push me into “Writing” mode instead of “set-up” or “Research” mode..

set-up process

  • Setup doc however you want
  • Save as “[Document type] MASTER TEMPLATE”
  • Right-click the file in Google Drive
  • Select Make a copy
  • Use the Copy whenever you need, but leave the MASTER TEMPLATE as is.

(Note: You can use Google Doc’s Template feature to make this slightly easier. However, it’s worth noting that any template you add to their collection is automatically made public.)

template #setup

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