Difference between religion and spirituality

Once a wise man was asked to explain the difference between religion and spirituality

His response was profound:

  • Religion is not just one, there are many
  • Spirituality is one
  • Religion is for those who sleep
  • Spirituality is for those who are awake
  • Religion is for those who need someone to tell them what to do and who want guidance
  • Spirituality is for those who pay attention to their inner voice
  • Religion has dogmatic rules
  • Spirituality calls us to discuss everything, question everything
  • Religion threatens and scares
  • Spirituality gives inner peace
  • Religion talks about sin and guilt
  • Spirituality says "learn from your mistake"
  • Religion suppresses everything that is wrong
  • Spirituality overcomes everything, it brings you closer to the truth!
  • Religion is about God; It is not God
  • Spirituality is everything and therefore it is in God
  • Religion is inventing
  • Spirituality is finding
  • Religion doesn't tolerate any questions
  • Spirituality will question everything
  • Religion is humanity
  • This is an organization whose rules are made by men
  • Spirituality is divine, without human rules
  • Religion is the cause of division
  • Spirituality unites
  • Religion seeks you to believe
  • The spirituality you have to seek it to believe
  • Religion follows the concepts of the holy book
  • Spirituality looks for a holiday in all books
  • Religion feeds fear
  • Spirituality feeds trust and faith
  • Religion lives in thoughts
  • Spirituality lives in inner consciousness
  • Religion is dealing with the performance of rituals
  • Spirituality is related to the inner self
  • Religion feeds the ego
  • Spirituality forces you to go beyond
  • Religion makes us disconnect from the world to follow God
  • Spirituality makes us live in God, without giving up our existing life
  • Religion is a cult
  • Spirituality is an inner meditation
  • Religion fills us with dreams of glory in paradise
  • Spirituality makes us live in earthly glory and paradise
  • Religion lives in the past and in the future
  • Spirituality is living in the present
  • Religion creates monasteries in our memory
  • Spirituality frees our consciousness
  • Religion makes us believe in eternal life
  • Spirituality makes us aware of eternal life
  • Religion promises life after death
  • Spirituality means finding God inside us in our present life before we die

We are not human beings who are going through a mental experience
We are spiritual beings going through the human experience

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