18. How Do Ant-Eaters Eat Ants?
Question: How do ant-eaters eat ants? Hypothesis: They use their long noses. Answer: ...
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17. How Do Birds Keep Their Nests Stable?
Question: How do birds keep their nests stable? Hypothesis: They place it on a thick branch for support. Answer: ...
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I was driving with Merric to the auto parts store when he came up with the next question of the day. I proposed that he attempt to come up with a reasonable answer himself prior to looking it up; generate a hypothesis as it were. The general idea is for him to generate solutions on his own - let's see how that pans out. ...
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16. What Do Sea Turtles Eat?
Question: What do sea turtles eat? Answer: ...
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15. What Do Alligators Eat?
Question: What do alligators eat? Answer: ...
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14. What Jobs Do Ants Have?
Question: What jobs do ants have? Answer: ...
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13. How Big Are Komodo Dragons?
Question: How big are komodo dragons? Answer: They are the largest lizards on earth and can get up to 10 feet long and weigh 300 lbs. They have a bite force of 600 psi (humans only have 120 psi). They are opportunistic predators and can bring down a water buffalo. ...
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12. What Do Blue Whales Eat?
Question: What do blue whales eat? Answer: Krill and lots of it. The more interesting fact was how they plug their noses to dive underwater. ...
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11. What Do Spider Monkeys Eat?
Question: What do spider monkeys eat? Answer: ...
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10. How Do Fish Control Their Bouyancy?
Question: How do fish control their bouyancy? Answer: They have special bladders that they can inflate/deflate with air. ...
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9. How Do Sloths Stay In Trees?
Question: How do sloths stay in trees? Answer: ...
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8. What Do Flies Eat?
Question: What do flies eat? Answer: All sorts of things, including poop. ...
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7. Why Is An Owl's Face Flat?
Question: Why is an owl's face flat? Answer: ...
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6. How Strong Is A Snake?
Question: How strong is a snake? Answer: ...
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5. How Many Rows Of Eyes Do Wolf Spiders Have?
Question: How many rows of eyes do wolf spiders have? Answer: Three rows. Four eyes on the bottom, two larger ones in the middle and two large ones on the top. ...
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4. What Shape Are A Cuttlefish's Eyes?
Question: What shape are a cuttlefish's eyes? Answer: They are in the shape of a 'w'. Interestingly, they are colorblind, yet can perfectly mimic their surroundings. ...
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3. What Do Dragonflies Eat?
Question: What do dragonflies eat? Answer: Mosquitoes; thirty to hundreds per day! ...
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2. How Strong Is An Octopus?
Question: How strong is an octopus? Answer: It can lift 40 times its own weight. ...
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1. What Do Crickets Eat?
Question: What do crickets eat? Answer: Grass, seeds and, sometimes, other insects.  ...
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This began as a way to engage the kids with conversation at dinner. Thinking back, it could be why so many of the questions revolve around what other creatures eat. ...
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