
The world is made good when good ideas are supported. You can tip or thank The Iqra Files to encourage the author to continue doing their best work. Tipping is telling the author: keep doing what you're doing, or, I want to see more of this in the world.

The author has specified the following payment credentials. Once you've made a contribution to The Iqra Files, be sure to sign their guestbook to let them know!

Bitcoin Silent Payments: sp1qqf7ehyduxk3zeckf7w2gnppv0zkedlh8474j4lhvnplrv3u6g4rqwqltzx4h22cme2cuv69uzxher0xy7g7m0cwg7z8zzhlgsar98gzkkyzvhmuk
Monero: 44VzUzrUMDmGZxSg36xmE7j8nEFL5JH2GiUmQ68PbJ1Q7tHqCPsLHaBN18MS2ov1hb1T8BRD6mxYK7VBNP1GtdCmJcx62xU