Monday, Oct 30, 2023

Just got back from Hawaii... decent flight. A good trip, though not without it's frustrations and sadness.

Feeling stressed about the loss of my phone... I'm thankful that I had backups and that most of what I had can be reconstructed. Didn't want to do it this way: I wanted to try out the anon phone option by getting a Pixel and reflashing it with GrapheneOS. I knew that would be a ton of work and I've been putting it off for several years because of the arguments with the wife that it would entail... "too much secrecy"... "too much work". Am I paranoid? No one is after me (AFAIK), but the idea of the vulnerability of having yet another easily tracked device with all the ties to it... I feel like jumped the gun, should have spent the time to acquire the new tech, do the slow careful build-out but no... thought I needed a phone now. Barely used it on the trip and now... well, now it's done. Spent $1000+ on a new phone and case. Need new cables/accessories... all things I didn't really itemize in the changeover.