
There once was a young man. He thought he had an attraction to another boy. He was told one day that he had been liked by someone, so he looked and he liked the one he saw. They started to get to know each other, and they started to hangout, spending time together and eventually becoming a physical relationship. He discovered that he liked playing with the other boy, and the other boy liked when he would play with him. They spent one night together and they ended up having sexual intercourse, though they knew not what it would lead to. The young man thought to him self. Is this what sex is like? Then they were trn apart and he wanted to see the other boy but he moved and saw him rarely but still, then when they did see each other it was to be physical, but it only lasted while it was there. Then another boy was found and it was him that he was obsessed with while turning more towards substances and dragging the other boy along to. Though it led to jail and mental illness, the young man still pursed him. But eventually he said good bye. And started looking for another, trying to seek love but it was really lust that he had as a compass and it was God's mercy and grace that kept him from worse.

He was troubled and wanted to have the perfect boy to be with and to enjoy but it was really Jesus that he was looking for, but not as he is, as he wanted it to be, ignoring what Jesus actually teaches about Love and the Love that he has for me.

Jesus saved my life more than I know, but I am hear to tell the story to any whom will hear. But it is God that deserves the Glory, for he offered the gift of God before I was born. He knew what I would do before I even thought. But it is God's Grace that I am under now, and I am dead to the Law. God's Grace is enough because it covers all, once you know him and receive him in your heart.

Though I am under grace and I am made the Righteousness of God in Jesus, that doesn't mean that I don't struggle. And I do, with more than that I knew.

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