TES5 Skyrim AE: crafting

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (TES5SAE) without mods, here are the most efficient methods for leveling up crafting skills, listed in descending order of speed and product value:

1. Alchemy

Speed: Fastest
Product Value: High


  1. Collect or purchase large quantities of the following ingredients:

    • Blue Mountain Flower
    • Blue Butterfly Wing
    • Chaurus Eggs
    • Giant's Toe
    • Wheat
  2. Craft potions in this order of priority:
    a. Giant's Toe + Wheat + Blue Mountain Flower (most valuable)
    b. Chaurus Eggs + Blue Butterfly Wing


  • Location: Alchemist's shops in major cities, particularly Arcadia's Cauldron in Whiterun
  • Materials Needed: Listed ingredients, access to an Alchemy Lab
  • Product Value: Giant's Toe potion can sell for over 1000 gold at higher levels
  • Effects: Fortify Health, Damage Stamina Regen, Fortify Carry Weight
  • Stats: Experience gained is based on the value of the potion created


  • Use the Thief Stone for 20% faster skill increase
  • Sleep in a bed for the Well Rested bonus (10% faster skill increase)
  • Craft potions with multiple effects for more experience
  • Sell potions to recoup costs and level Speech skill

2. Enchanting

Speed: Fast
Product Value: High


  1. Collect soul gems and fill them (use Soul Trap spell or enchanted weapon)
  2. Craft or collect numerous cheap items (e.g., Iron Daggers, Silver Rings)
  3. Learn valuable enchantments by disenchanting found items
  4. Enchant items with the most valuable enchantments:
    • Banish (weapons)
    • Sneak (boots)
    • Carry Weight (anything)


  • Location: Enchanting tables in major cities, College of Winterhold
  • Materials Needed: Filled soul gems, items to enchant, known enchantments
  • Product Value: Banish-enchanted weapons can sell for over 2000 gold
  • Effects: Various, depending on enchantment chosen
  • Stats: Experience gained is based on the size of soul gem used and value of enchantment


  • Use the Mage Stone for 20% faster skill increase
  • Disenchant every new enchanted item you find to learn new effects
  • Save valuable enchantments for higher-level soul gems

3. Smithing

Speed: Moderate
Product Value: Moderate to High


  1. Collect iron ore/ingots and leather strips
  2. Craft Iron Daggers until Smithing level 30
  3. Collect Dwarven metal ingots from Dwemer ruins
  4. Craft Dwarven Bows until Smithing level 100


  • Location: Any forge, smelter, and workbench (Whiterun is convenient)
  • Materials Needed:
    • Iron Daggers: 1 iron ingot, 1 leather strip each
    • Dwarven Bows: 2 Dwarven metal ingots, 1 iron ingot each
  • Product Value:
    • Iron Dagger: ~10 gold
    • Dwarven Bow: ~270 gold
  • Effects: N/A
  • Stats: Experience gained is based on the value of the item crafted


  • Use the Warrior Stone for 20% faster skill increase
  • Clear Dwemer ruins for abundant Dwarven metal
  • Improve crafted items at a workbench for additional experience
  • Enchant crafted items to increase their value and level Enchanting simultaneously

4. Jewelry Crafting (Smithing Alternative)

Speed: Moderate
Product Value: High


  1. Mine or purchase gold and silver ore
  2. Use Transmute Mineral Ore spell to convert iron ore to silver, then gold
  3. Craft gold rings and necklaces
  4. Add gems to create more valuable jewelry


  • Location: Any forge with a smelter nearby
  • Materials Needed: Gold ingots, gems (optional)
  • Product Value:
    • Gold Ring: ~75 gold
    • Gold Diamond Ring: ~1000 gold
  • Effects: N/A
  • Stats: Experience gained is based on the value of the item crafted


  • Transmute spell tome can be found in Halted Stream Camp, northwest of Whiterun
  • Collect gems during exploration to create more valuable jewelry
  • Enchant crafted jewelry for additional value and Enchanting experience

Remember to always activate the appropriate Guardian Stone (Thief for Alchemy, Mage for Enchanting, Warrior for Smithing) and get the Well Rested bonus before crafting to maximize experience gain. Additionally, crafting valuable items not only levels the skill faster but also provides a good source of income to fund further crafting[1][2][4][9].

[1] Skyrim Levelling and XP - how to power-level every Skill to Level 100 https://www.eurogamer.net/skyrim-levelling-how-to-power-level-every-skill-to-level-100
[2] How do you level up the crafting skills in a reasonable way? : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/qx0ien/how_do_you_level_up_the_crafting_skills_in_a/
[3] Skyrim SMITHING Guide for Total Beginners [Elder Scrolls Guide] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EII2sUkGPY
[4] Skyrim: Smithing Skill Guide - Trainers, Fast Leveling & More https://www.thegamer.com/elder-scrolls-5-v-skyrim-smithing-skill-guide/
[5] Skyrim:Leveling - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Leveling
[6] Crafting materials, best way to get any? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/answers/299901-crafting-materials-best-way-to-get-any
[7] How to Max all skills fast! Level 252 build (all 251 perks!) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=667pXachU5w
[8] Easiest way to level up crafting skills? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps3/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/answers/301308-easiest-way-to-level-up-crafting-skills
[9] Skyrim: How To Easily Power-Level Every Skill - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/elder-scrolls-skyrim-guide-skill-power-level/
[10] What is an effective way to level smithing? - Arqade - Stack Exchange https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/35541/what-is-an-effective-way-to-level-smithing
[11] Skyrim: The Ingredients & Crafting Items You Should Always Pick Up https://gamerant.com/skyrim-best-ingredients-crafting-items/
[12] Skyrim Crafting Skills - how to max Enchanting, Alchemy, and Smithing https://www.eurogamer.net/skyrim-crafting-skills-how-to-max-enchanting-alchemy-and-smithing
[13] Noob/Casual asking: What's the most efficient way to level crafting ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/as9hno/noobcasual_asking_whats_the_most_efficient_way_to/
[14] How do you level up crafting in a non exploitative way? : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/12i6n8r/how_do_you_level_up_crafting_in_a_non/
[15] What is the experience ratio for ALL crafting skills? - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps3/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/answers/329126-what-is-the-experience-ratio-for-all-crafting-skills
[16] Crafting - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Crafting

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (TESV:AE), there are several efficient methods to level up the Enchanting skill quickly:

Disenchanting Items

Disenchanting items you don't need is one of the fastest ways to gain initial Enchanting experience[1][3]. This method is particularly effective at lower levels, as each unique enchantment you learn grants a significant amount of experience.

Mass Enchanting

Once you've learned various enchantments, the most efficient method is to enchant large quantities of items[1][3][5]. Here's an optimal approach:

  1. Craft iron daggers or jewelry (rings and necklaces) using the Smithing skill[2][5].
  2. Collect soul gems, preferably petty soul gems, as they are the most cost-effective[3][5].
  3. Apply any enchantment to these items. The specific enchantment doesn't matter for experience gain[3][5].

Recharging Weapons

Recharging enchanted weapons also grants Enchanting experience[4]. This method is particularly useful when combined with:

  • Azura's Star or the Black Star (reusable soul gems)
  • A weapon with the Soul Trap enchantment

This allows you to continuously recharge your weapon after each kill without worrying about soul gem supplies[4].

Maximizing Experience Gain

To level up Enchanting even faster:

  1. Use The Mage Stone for a 20% boost to magic skill experience gain[4][8].
  2. Sleep in a bed to gain the Well Rested bonus for an additional 10% experience boost[4][8].
  3. If you have the Dragonborn DLC, use the "Seeker of Sorcery" Black Book power for an additional 10% boost to Enchanting[4].


Don't forget to use Enchanting trainers[3][6]:

  • Sergius Turrianus at the College of Winterhold (up to level 75)
  • Hamal in the Temple of Dibella, Markarth (up to level 90)
  • Neloth in Tel Mithryn, Solstheim (up to level 90)

You can train five times per character level, which can significantly speed up your progress, especially at higher levels[6].

Creation Club Content

While the Creation Club content doesn't drastically change Enchanting leveling, some additions might provide additional enchanted items to disenchant or new crafting materials that could indirectly help in the enchanting process.

Remember, the key to efficient Enchanting leveling is to enchant as many items as possible, regardless of the enchantment or soul gem used[3][5]. Focus on quantity over quality when leveling, and save your valuable enchantments and grand soul gems for creating powerful items once you've reached a high Enchanting level.

[1] What is the fastest way to get to enchanting 100? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/380841/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-get-to-enchanting-100
[2] Best method to level enchanting? : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/wybrz0/best_method_to_level_enchanting/
[3] Skyrim: Enchanting Skill Guide - Trainers, Fast Leveling, & More https://www.thegamer.com/skyrim-enchanting-skill-trainers-fast-leveling-more/
[4] Skyrim:Enchanting https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Enchanting
[5] Skyrim: How To Level Up Enchanting Fast - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-enchanting-fast-leveling-guide/
[6] Level Up ENCHANTING TO 100 Super Fast!! - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0huzsSUqbtg
[7] Skyrim ENCHANTING Guide for Total Beginners [Elder Scrolls Guide] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfAR68IIZtk
[8] Skyrim - Level 100 Enchanting Fast - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXztXT0IeCU
[9] Fastest way to level enchanting in deep guide - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/200278-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/78754004
[10] Skyrim - Level Up Enchanting To 100 FAST 2024 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mun7mLLGAI

To maximize both enchanting skill gain and profit from selling enchanted items in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition, it's important to choose the right enchantments for each type of item. Here's a breakdown of the best enchantments for apparel and weapons:


For weapons, the most valuable enchantments are:

  1. Banish: This is by far the most profitable weapon enchantment[1][4]. It's available from level 22 and provides the highest value increase[3].
  2. Paralyze: The second most valuable weapon enchantment[4].
  3. Absorb Health: The third most profitable, and also one of the most useful in combat[2][4].

If these aren't available, Turn Undead is a good alternative, especially early in the game[3].


For apparel, the best enchantments vary by slot:

  1. Jewelry, Boots, and Gloves: Fortify Sneak[3]
  2. Helmets: Fortify Archery[3]
  3. Chest Armor: Fortify Destruction[3]
  4. Any Apparel: Waterbreathing (especially with Petty Soul Gems)[3][7]

Maximizing Profit and Skill Gain

To get the most out of enchanting for both profit and skill improvement:

  1. Use the cheapest base items, such as iron daggers for weapons or leather armor for apparel[3].
  2. For weapons, use Petty Soul Gems as they're more cost-effective[3].
  3. For apparel, Waterbreathing is particularly valuable when using Petty Soul Gems, as its effect is not scaled by soul gem size[3].

Additional Tips

  1. Combine enchanting with smithing to create and improve items before enchanting them[3].
  2. Use the Alchemy-Enchanting loop to create more powerful enchantments and increase item value[5].
  3. Consider using the Fortify Restoration exploit for extremely powerful enchantments, though this may be considered game-breaking[5].

Remember, while these enchantments are the most profitable, they may not always be the most useful for your character. Balance profit with utility based on your playstyle and needs.

[1] the elder scrolls v skyrim - Which enchants are worth the most money? https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/41344/which-enchants-are-worth-the-most-money
[2] Skyrim: All Weapon Enchantments, Ranked - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-best-weapon-enchantments-ranked-absorb-health-soul-trap/
[3] Skyrim:Making Money - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Making_Money
[4] Most Expensive Enchants? - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61136961
[5] Skyrim: The 15 Best Enchantments, Ranked - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/skyrim-best-enchantments/
[6] Skyrim - Best Enchanting Money/Gold Making Guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvU4CqVKSa0
[7] Best thing to smith and enchant to level them while making money https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/11xa4hn/best_thing_to_smith_and_enchant_to_level_them/
[8] Skyrim - Enchanting Guide (2021) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vtjdnEAMeI

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