TES5 Skyrim AE: housing


In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (TESVSAE), player housing is extensive and includes properties from the base game, the Hearthfire DLC, and additional homes introduced through bundled Creation Club content. Below is a detailed breakdown:

Base Game Houses

These homes are purchased in major cities and come with pre-designed layouts. They are ideal for players who want immediate housing without construction.

House Location Cost Upgrades
Breezehome Whiterun 5,000 gold Kitchen, alchemy lab (no enchanting table).
Honeyside Riften 8,000 gold Alchemy lab. Accessible from within and outside Riften's walls.
Vlindrel Hall Markarth 8,000 gold Includes enchanting table and alchemy lab.
Hjerim Windhelm 12,000 gold Includes weapon racks and mannequins. Requires "Blood on the Ice" quest.
Proudspire Manor Solitude 25,000 gold Largest house in the base game; includes enchanting table and alchemy lab.

Hearthfire DLC: Buildable Homes

Hearthfire introduces three plots of land where you can construct and customize large homes.

Plots of Land

  1. Lakeview Manor (Falkreath Hold)
    • Purchased from the Jarl's steward for 5,000 gold.
    • Scenic location near Lake Ilinalta.
  2. Heljarchen Hall (The Pale)
    • Purchased from the Jarl's steward for 5,000 gold.
    • Located in a snowy tundra near Whiterun.
  3. Windstad Manor (Hjaalmarch)
    • Purchased from the Jarl's steward for 5,000 gold.
    • Overlooks marshlands near Solitude.

Construction Process

  • Start with a small house layout, then expand into a main hall.
  • Add three wings of your choice:
    • West Wing: Bedrooms, Enchanter's Tower, or Greenhouse.
    • East Wing: Library, Armory, or Kitchen.
    • North Wing: Trophy Room, Storage Room, or Alchemy Lab.

Exterior Additions

  • Garden
  • Animal Pen
  • Stable
  • Smelter
  • Grindstone
  • Armorer Workbench


  • Fully customizable interiors (furniture crafted at workbenches).
  • Adopt children or bring followers to live with you.
  • Requires materials like quarried stone, clay, sawn logs, and nails.

Creation Club Homes

TESVSAE adds nine unique homes through Creation Club content. These homes are pre-built and often include unique features.

Home Location Cost/Quest Features
Tundra Homestead Near Whiterun 7,500 gold Crafting stations, garden, fish hatchery.
Myrwatch Hjaalmarch Free (complete quest) Mage-themed tower with enchanting/alchemy stations and display areas.
Shadowfoot Sanctum Riften Sewers Free (complete quest) Thief-themed lair with hidden entrances and crafting stations.
Hendraheim The Reach Free (complete quest) Warrior-themed home with ample display space for weapons/armor.
Goldenhills Plantation Whiterun Hold Free (complete quest) Functioning farm with income generation and family space.
Dead Man’s Dread Sea of Ghosts Free (complete quest) Pirate ship with unique crafting stations and storage.
Bloodchill Manor Winterhold Free (complete quest) Vampire-themed home with coffins and alchemy/enchanting stations.
Nchuanthumz Dwarven Ruin Free (complete quest) Dwemer-themed home with automatons as stewards.
Gallows Hall Eastmarch Free (complete quest) Necromancer’s lair with altars for raising undead followers.

Faction Residences

Joining factions grants access to free housing or personal quarters:

  • College of Winterhold: Hall of Attainment (basic room) and Arch-Mage's Quarters after completing the main questline.
  • Companions: Bed in Jorrvaskr; Harbinger’s Room upon becoming Harbinger.
  • Thieves Guild: Room in The Ragged Flagon; upgraded quarters after becoming Guildmaster.
  • Dark Brotherhood: Beds in Falkreath Sanctuary; Dawnstar Sanctuary after completing "Hail Sithis!".
  • Dawnguard/Volkihar Clan (DLC): Fort Dawnguard or Volkihar Keep based on faction choice.

Tips for Managing Housing

  1. Save before making construction choices in Hearthfire homes—rooms cannot be changed later without reloading a save[8].
  2. Use stewards to purchase materials like lumber or hire carriage drivers for convenience[4].
  3. Creation Club homes often include unique crafting stations or displays tailored to specific playstyles[7].

This comprehensive system allows players to choose between pre-built homes for convenience or fully customizable estates to suit their roleplaying preferences!

[1] Skyrim:Houses - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Houses
[2] 10 Tips To Help Build Your Skyrim House - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/elder-scrolls-skyrim-house-building-tips/
[3] Skyrim Anniversary Edition: All 9 new homes! How to get ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcX32aw4p7w
[4] Hearthfire DLC - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Hearthfire_DLC
[5] Best player home in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Anniversary Edition? https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/comments/105yklo/best_player_home_in_the_elder_scrolls_skyrim/
[6] Skyrim: Hearthfire Housing Guide - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/skyrim-hearthfire-housing-guide/
[7] Skyrim: Every New Player Home in Anniversary Edition (And How ... https://gamerant.com/skyrim-anniversary-all-new-homes-guide/
[8] How do I reset my manor so I can rebuild it with different options? https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/103728/how-do-i-reset-my-manor-so-i-can-rebuild-it-with-different-options
[9] Skyrim:Construction - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Construction

Here's a comprehensive breakdown of all player housing options in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (TESVSAE), excluding homesteads and mods, sorted by features/versatility (descending) and total cost of ownership (ascending):

Proudspire Manor (Solitude)

  • Total Cost: 39,000-39,500 gold (25,000 base + 11,000-14,500 upgrades)
  • Features:
    • Three stories with ample space
    • Alchemy lab and arcane enchanter
    • 10 bookshelves
    • 2 shield plaques, 2 weapon plaques
    • Patio with a view
    • Close to market and shops
  • How to acquire: Complete quests for Jarl Elisif or purchase from steward Falk Firebeard
  • Housecarl: Jordis the Sword-Maiden
  • Can accommodate spouse and children
  • Contains a Stone of Barenziah for the "No Stone Unturned" quest

Hjerim (Windhelm)

  • Total Cost: 21,000-22,250 gold (8,000-12,000 base + 9,000-10,250 upgrades)
  • Features:
    • Spacious two-story house
    • Secret room with alchemy lab and arcane enchanter
    • 12 bookshelves
    • 2 shield plaques, 7 weapon plaques
    • 7 display cases, 3 mannequins
    • Large armory
  • How to acquire: Complete "Blood on the Ice" quest and become Thane of Windhelm
  • Housecarl: Calder
  • Can accommodate spouse and children

Vlindrel Hall (Markarth)

  • Total Cost: 11,900-12,200 gold (8,000 base + 3,900-4,200 upgrades)
  • Features:
    • Unique Dwemer architecture
    • Alchemy lab and arcane enchanter
    • 9 bookshelves (most in base game houses)
    • 3 shield plaques, 2 weapon plaques
    • 4 display cases, 1 mannequin
  • How to acquire: Complete quests for Jarl Igmund or purchase from steward Raerek
  • Housecarl: Argis the Bulwark
  • Can accommodate spouse and children

Honeyside (Riften)

  • Total Cost: 8,850-12,300 gold (5,000-8,000 base + 3,850-4,300 upgrades)
  • Features:
    • Alchemy lab and arcane enchanter
    • 4 bookshelves
    • 1 shield plaque, 4 weapon plaques
    • 2 mannequins
    • Garden for alchemy ingredients
    • Unique dual entrances (city and docks)
  • How to acquire: Complete quests for Jarl Laila Law-Giver or purchase from steward Anuriel
  • Housecarl: Iona
  • Can accommodate spouse and children

Breezehome (Whiterun)

  • Total Cost: 6,550-6,800 gold (5,000 base + 1,550-1,800 upgrades)
  • Features:
    • Two stories
    • Alchemy lab (optional)
    • 4 bookshelves
    • 1 shield plaque, 2 weapon plaques
    • Close to Warmaiden's for smithing
  • How to acquire: Complete "Bleak Falls Barrow" quest and purchase from steward Proventus Avenicci
  • Housecarl: Lydia
  • Can accommodate spouse and children

Severin Manor (Raven Rock, Solstheim)

  • Total Cost: Free
  • Features:
    • Fully furnished
    • Alchemy and enchanting areas
    • Forge and smelter
    • Multiple storage containers
  • How to acquire: Complete the "Served Cold" quest
  • No upgrades available
  • Cannot accommodate spouse or children

Tundra Homestead (Whiterun Hold)

  • Total Cost: 7,500 gold (no additional upgrades)
  • Features:
    • Fully furnished
    • Alchemy and enchanting stations
    • Forge, smelter, and tanning rack outside
    • Shrines to the Divines
    • Underground armory and storage
  • How to acquire: Purchase from Whiterun's steward
  • Can accommodate spouse and children

Shadowfoot Sanctum (Riften Ratway)

  • Total Cost: 7,500 gold (no additional upgrades)
  • Features:
    • Hidden rooms and passages
    • Extensive storage
    • Crafting stations
    • Ideal for thief characters
  • How to acquire: Purchase from Vekel the Man in the Ragged Flagon
  • Can accommodate spouse and children

Myrwatch (East of Morthal)

  • Total Cost: Free (after completing associated quest)
  • Features:
    • Wizard tower with all crafting stations
    • Unique All-Maker Forge
    • Staff Enchanter
    • Ideal for mage characters
  • How to acquire: Travel to the location and complete a short quest

Bloodchill Manor (East of Snowpoint Beacon)

  • Total Cost: Free (after completing associated quest)
  • Features:
    • Vampire-themed
    • Hidden in a cave
    • Fully furnished
    • Ideal for vampire characters
  • How to acquire: Complete the associated quest

Hendraheim (South of Fort Sungard, The Reach)

  • Total Cost: Free (after completing associated quest)
  • Features:
    • Nordic longhouse style
    • Armory
    • Crafting stations
    • Ideal for warrior characters
  • How to acquire: Complete the "Warrior's Challenge" quest after level 10

Nchuanthumz (North of Kagrenzel)

  • Total Cost: Free (after completing associated quest)
  • Features:
    • Dwarven-themed home inside a ruin
    • Unique Dwemer aesthetics and technology
  • How to acquire: Complete the associated quest

Dead Man's Dread (Small island south of Solitude)

  • Total Cost: Free (after completing associated quest)
  • Features:
    • Pirate ship converted into a home
    • Unique nautical theme
  • How to acquire: Read "The Restless" book in the Winking Skeever, then complete the quest

Gallows Hall (North side of Mara's Eye Pond)

  • Total Cost: Free (after completing associated quest)
  • Features:
    • Necromancer-themed hideout
    • Unique summoning abilities
  • How to acquire: Complete the associated quest

This list covers all non-homestead player housing options in TESVSAE, sorted by their features and versatility, with the total cost of ownership as a secondary sorting factor. The Creation Club homes (Tundra Homestead onwards) generally offer unique themes and features but have limited customization options compared to the base game and DLC houses.

[1] Skyrim: Every New Player Home in Anniversary Edition (And How ... https://gamerant.com/skyrim-anniversary-all-new-homes-guide/
[2] Best House In Skyrim To Buy: Top Locations For Player Homes https://screenrant.com/skyrim-houses-best-location-guide-cost/
[3] How much coin will it cost me to build a fully upgraded house with ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/6bjn2u/how_much_coin_will_it_cost_me_to_build_a_fully/
[4] Skyrim:Houses - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Houses
[5] Skyrim: Every Player Home In The Anniversary Edition, Ranked https://gamerant.com/skyrim-anniversary-edition-every-player-home-ranked/
[6] My Pros and Cons of each house. - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61474582
[7] Skyrim Houses - Where to buy and how to build a house - Eurogamer https://www.eurogamer.net/skyrim-houses-where-to-buy-how-to-build-a-house
[8] Skyrim - All 18 Player Homes Ranked - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWfvNyrBVyY
[9] Skyrim Anniversary All New Homes Worst to Best How to buy & Get https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fluwueUb83Y
[10] How to Get EVERY PLAYER HOUSE in Skyrim [Elder Scrolls Guides] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d73LozzP19g
[11] What is the best house in Skyrim? - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/10342dk/what_is_the_best_house_in_skyrim/
[12] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim House Guide - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=606456063
[13] Comparison of the 5 Houses - skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/mnhdo/comparison_of_the_5_houses/
[14] The 15 Best Player Houses In Skyrim - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/elder-scrolls-skyrim-best-player-houses/
[15] Skyrim: Hearthfire Housing Guide - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/skyrim-hearthfire-housing-guide/
[16] Skyrim: Every Player House & How To Get Them - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/skyrim-player-house-guide/
[17] Best House In Skyrim To Buy: Top Locations For Player Homes https://screenrant.com/skyrim-houses-best-location-guide-cost/
[18] Skyrim:Proudspire Manor - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Proudspire_Manor
[19] The Best Houses in Skyrim (& How to Get Them) - Screen Rant https://screenrant.com/skyrim-best-cheapest-coolest-useful-houses-guide/
[20] How much coin will it cost me to build a fully upgraded house with ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/6bjn2u/how_much_coin_will_it_cost_me_to_build_a_fully/
[21] Skyrim: How To Obtain Every Player Home - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-obtain-every-player-home/
[22] Skyrim - All 18 Player Homes Ranked - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWfvNyrBVyY
[23] 15 Best Houses In Skyrim, Ranked - CBR https://www.cbr.com/best-skyrim-houses-ranked/
[24] Skyrim: Every New Player Home in Anniversary Edition (And How ... https://gamerant.com/skyrim-anniversary-all-new-homes-guide/


I'll break down the components for each homestead and list all materials needed, including intermediary materials. This breakdown will cover Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, Heljarchen Hall, and Goldenhills Plantation.

Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, and Heljarchen Hall

These three Hearthfire homesteads share similar construction requirements, with minor variations.

Main Structure Materials:

  • Sawn Logs: 274-348
  • Quarried Stone: 159-186
  • Clay: 171-186
  • Iron Ingots: 24-41
  • Nails: 397-509 (crafted from Iron Ingots)
  • Iron Fittings: 58-97 (crafted from Iron Ingots)
  • Hinges: 46-82 (crafted from Iron Ingots)
  • Locks: 14-30 (crafted from Iron Ingots and Corundum Ingots)
  • Glass: 14-27
  • Goat Horns: 12-31
  • Straw: 8-14
  • Leather Strips: 28-46

Furnishing Materials:

  • Various animal parts (pelts, tusks, etc.): 20-30 total
  • Corundum Ingots: For crafting locks
  • Steel Ingots: For some furnishings
  • Gold Ingot: For some decorative items
  • Grand Soul Gem: For enchanting stations
  • Refined Moonstone: For some crafting stations

Exterior Additions:

  • Garden: 1 Sawn Log
  • Stable: 3 Sawn Logs, 5 Nails
  • Animal Pen: 1 Sawn Log
  • Grindstone: 1 Quarried Stone, 1 Sawn Log, 1 Iron Fitting
  • Smelter: 2 Iron Fittings, 5 Iron Ingots, 6 Clay, 4 Quarried Stone
  • Armorer's Workbench: 1 Sawn Log, 1 Iron Ingot, 2 Quarried Stone

Unique Exterior Additions:

  • Apiary (Lakeview Manor): 2 Sawn Logs, 1 Nail, 2 Straw
  • Fish Hatchery (Windstad Manor): 3 Quarried Stone, 3 Sawn Logs, 4 Nails
  • Mill (Heljarchen Hall): 2 Quarried Stone, 1 Iron Ingot, 1 Sawn Log

Goldenhills Plantation

This homestead has different requirements as it's part of the Anniversary Edition.

Construction Materials:

  • Firewood: 21 (instead of Sawn Logs)
  • Quarried Stone: 12
  • Iron Ingots: 4
  • Nails: 7 (crafted from Iron Ingots)
  • Iron Fittings: 3 (crafted from Iron Ingots)
  • Hinges: 2 (crafted from Iron Ingots)
  • Locks: 1 (crafted from Iron Ingots and Corundum Ingots)
  • Straw: 5

Exterior Additions:

  • Animal Pens: 3 Firewood, Nails
  • Apiary: 2 Firewood, Nails, 2 Straw
  • Blacksmithing Workshop: 4 Iron Ingots, 2 Firewood, Hinge, Iron Fitting, 2 Quarried Stone
  • Exterior Decoration: 2 Firewood, 3 Quarried Stone
  • Farmhand Bunkhouse: 5 Firewood, 2 Nails, Hinge, Lock, 5 Quarried Stone, 3 Straw
  • Stable: 5 Firewood, 3 Nails
  • Windmill: 2 Firewood, 2 Iron Fittings, 2 Quarried Stone

For all homesteads, remember that intermediary materials like Nails, Iron Fittings, Hinges, and Locks are crafted from Iron Ingots (and Corundum Ingots for Locks) at a forge. The exact quantities may vary slightly depending on specific upgrade choices and furnishing options selected.

[1] Skyrim:Construction - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Construction
[2] Total Materials List for Hearthfire Homesteads. : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/5gerz0/total_materials_list_for_hearthfire_homesteads/
[3] Building Your House - Main Hall - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Your_House_-_Main_Hall
[4] Skyrim:Farming Construction - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Farming_Construction
[5] Skyrim:Hearthfire Houses Material List https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hearthfire_Houses_Material_List
[6] Skyrim Hearthfire DLC - How To Build a House and Find ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym0kwf5JC0c
[7] Building Your House - Wings - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Your_House_-_Wings
[8] SKYRIM FARMING ULTIMATE GUIDE - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcR7io7LTJg
[9] Building Materials - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Materials
[10] Skyrim:Goldenhills Plantation - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Goldenhills_Plantation
[11] Building Your House - Basics - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Your_House_-_Basics
[12] Skyrim: How to Start Farming Creation Club (Goldenhills Plantation ... https://gamerant.com/skyrim-farming-creation-club-start-goldenhills-plantation-location/
[13] Guide :: How to Run Skyrim's Most Successful Plantation and ... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869957652
[14] Where do i get building materials? - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/692417-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/answers/628537-where-do-i-get-building-materials
[15] What Crops? And Why? (Golden Hills Plantation) : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/qw04k3/what_crops_and_why_golden_hills_plantation/

Goldenhills Plantation

Crop Allocation (44 Plots)

Potion Type Crops Planted Plots Yield/Cycle Gold/Potion
Fortify Carry Weight Creep Cluster (7) 7 35 Creep ~1,500+
Scaly Pholiota (7) 7 35 Scaly
Mora Tapinella (7) 7 21 Mora
Damage Health + Paralysis Deathbell (5) 5 15 Deathbell ~600
Imp Stool (5) 5 20 Imp Stool
Canis Root (5) 5 15 Canis Root
Restore Health Wheat (4) 4 20 Wheat ~120
Blue Mountain Flower (4) 4 20 Blue Mountain
Fortify Enchanting Snowberries (2) 2 6 Snowberries ~300
CC Stoneflower Petal (2) 2 6 Stoneflower

Total Plots Used: 44


  • Fortify Carry Weight: 21 (limited by Mora Tapinella) → ~31,500 gold
  • Damage Health + Paralysis: 15 → ~9,000 gold
  • Restore Health: 20 → ~2,400 gold
  • Fortify Enchanting: 6 → ~1,800 gold

Why This Works

  1. Plot Limits Respected:
    • Fortify Carry Weight: 7+7+7 = 21 plots.
    • Damage Health + Paralysis: 5+5+5 = 15 plots.
    • Restore Health: 4+4 = 8 plots.
    • Fortify Enchanting: 2+2 = 4 plots.
    • Total: 21 + 15 + 8 + 4 = 48 plotsOops!

Final Fix: Reduce Fortify Carry Weight by 4 plots (7→5 for Creep/Scaly/Mora):

  • Fortify Carry Weight: 5+5+5 = 15 plots → 15 potions (~22,500 gold).
  • Damage Health + Paralysis: 7+7+7 = 21 plots → 21 poisons (~12,600 gold).
  • Balance: 15 + 21 + 8 = 44 plots.

Final Table

Potion Type Crops Planted Plots Gold/Cycle
Fortify Carry Weight Creep Cluster (5) 5 ~22,500
Scaly Pholiota (5) 5
Mora Tapinella (5) 5
Damage Health + Paralysis Deathbell (7) 7 ~12,600
Imp Stool (7) 7
Canis Root (7) 7
Restore Health Wheat (4) 4 ~2,400
Blue Mountain Flower (4) 4

Total Plots Used: 5+5+5+7+7+7+4+4 = 44

Key Adjustments

  • Fortify Enchanting Removed: Temporarily excluded to prioritize core potions within 44 plots.
  • Damage Health + Paralysis Boosted: Increased to 21 plots for crowd-control utility.
  • Gold Still Strong: Fortify Carry Weight remains the top earner (~22,500 gold/cycle).


  • Green Thumb Perk: Doubles harvest yields (e.g., 5 Creep Cluster → 10 harvested).
  • CC Dependency: Use Farming Creation for Stoneflower Petal if reinstating Fortify Enchanting.
  • Bug Fix: Install USSEP to resolve Creep Cluster’s floating hitbox.

This corrected allocation ensures no plot overages while maintaining efficacy and profitability.

[1] Skyrim anniversary edition: Goldenhills plantation guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoj4zOumWcY
[2] Goldenhills Plantation (How to Make BIG MONEY!) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JLPXvzPPl8
[3] Skyrim:A Farmer's Life For Me - UESP https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:A_Farmer's_Life_For_Me
[4] Infinite Gold In 30 Minutes! (Goldenhills Plantation is OP) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sfjq1xgHCc
[5] How to get the GoldenHill Plantation! : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/qtm3hy/how_to_get_the_goldenhill_plantation/
[6] Goldenhills Plantation is SUPER OP in Skyrim AE - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5BUvDfsjzM
[7] How to find Goldenhill Plantation and complete The Unquiet Dead https://www.pcgamer.com/skyrim-the-unquiet-dead-goldenhill-plantation/
[8] A question regarding Goldenhills Plantation. : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/11f3hn6/a_question_regarding_goldenhills_plantation/
[9] Golden Hills Plantation Geography Patch - Nexus Mods https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/64852?tab=posts
[10] SKYRIM FARMING ULTIMATE GUIDE - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcR7io7LTJg
[11] TOP 3 WAYS To Generate MASSIVE GOLD Every Day at ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnxocLHhdzI
[12] Skyrim:Goldenhills Plantation - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ... https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Goldenhills_Plantation
[13] Guide :: How to Run Skyrim's Most Successful Plantation and ... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869957652
[14] Guide :: Get Unlimited Gold Goldenhills Plantation - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2732039208
[15] Skyrim Farming Guide Goldenhills Plantation - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBcViVASjfg
[16] Skyrim AE, 1000 Gold Free Every Day, Goldenhills Plantation ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhPNDII9d3E

Here's an optimized planting strategy for Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, and Heljarchen Hall, ensuring each homestead produces ingredients for specific high-priority potions while maximizing plot efficiency (29 plots per homestead):

1. Lakeview Manor: Damage Health + Paralysis Poison

Total Plots: 29 (11 garden + 18 greenhouse)

Primary Potion: Damage Health + Paralysis (Deathbell + Imp Stool + Canis Root)

Plot Type Crops Planted Yield/Cycle Potions/Cycle
Garden (11) 6 Deathbell 18 Deathbell 12
5 Canis Root 15 Canis Root
Greenhouse (18) 7 Imp Stool (fungi) 28 Imp Stool
11 Mora Tapinella 33 Mora*


  • Mora Tapinella is grown for optional Restore Magicka synergy (if paired with Creep Cluster).
  • 12 poisons/cycle (limited by Deathbell).
  • Prioritize Green Thumb perk to double yields.

2. Windstad Manor: Restore Health + Fortify Enchanting

Total Plots: 29 (11 garden + 18 greenhouse)

Primary Potion: Restore Health (Wheat + Blue Mountain Flower)

Plot Type Crops Planted Yield/Cycle Potions/Cycle
Garden (11) 6 Wheat 30 Wheat 27
5 Blue Mountain Flower 25 BMF
Greenhouse (18) 9 Snowberries 27 Snowberries 9
9 CC Stoneflower Petal 27 Stoneflower


  • 27 Restore Health potions/cycle (Wheat + BMF).
  • 9 Fortify Enchanting potions/cycle (Snowberries + Stoneflower).
  • Use Benefactor perk to boost potion strength.

3. Heljarchen Hall: Restore Magicka + Utility

Total Plots: 29 (11 garden + 18 greenhouse)

Primary Potion: Restore Magicka (Red Mountain Flower + CC Ironwood Nut)

Plot Type Crops Planted Yield/Cycle Potions/Cycle
Garden (11) 6 Red Mountain Flower 18 RMF 18
5 CC Ironwood Nut 15 Ironwood
Greenhouse (18) 9 Wheat (backup) 27 Wheat
9 Blue Mountain Flower 27 BMF


  • 18 Restore Magicka potions/cycle (RMF + Ironwood).
  • Backup Wheat/BMF ensures Restore Health supply.
  • Build apiaries for Restore Stamina (Honeycomb + Beehive).

Key Features

  • No Overlapping Crops: Each homestead specializes in distinct potions.
  • CC Dependency:
    • Stoneflower Petal and Ironwood Nut require Farming Creation.
    • Substitute with non-CC ingredients if unavailable (e.g., Lavender for Restore Health).
  • Gold Synergy: Goldenhills handles Fortify Carry Weight; others focus on utility/combat.

Harvest Efficiency

Homestead Primary Potion Secondary Potion
Lakeview 12 Paralysis Poisons 33 Mora (optional)
Windstad 27 Restore Health 9 Fortify Enchanting
Heljarchen 18 Restore Magicka Backup Restore Health

This setup ensures self-sufficiency across all homesteads while adhering to plot limits and potency priorities.

[1] Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ... https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Carry_Weight
[2] Tips to level alchemy and make easy gold. - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/tips-to-level-alchemy-and-make-easy-gold.20633/
[3] Farming Guide - Skyrim AE Builds https://skyrimaebuilds.com/farming.php
[4] Skyrim Special Edition Alchemy Guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5xWLVIL5dQ
[5] what is the maximum fortify carry weight an item can get? : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/179e7go/what_is_the_maximum_fortify_carry_weight_an_item/
[6] The COMPLETE Guide To Farming In Skyrim - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcfEJ47EhLc
[7] Building Your House - Wings - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Your_House_-_Wings
[8] Best place to get the Carry Weight enchantment? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/71912663
[9] Skyrim:Greenhouse - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Greenhouse
[10] Skyrim:Fortify Health - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Health
[11] What are some (able to be grown at a hearthfire home) ingredients ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/18nkxcj/what_are_some_able_to_be_grown_at_a_hearthfire/
[12] Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch: Version History - AFK Mods https://www.afkmods.com/Unofficial%20Skyrim%20Legendary%20Edition%20Patch%20Version%20History.html
[13] Building Your House - Wings - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Your_House_-_Wings
[14] Alchemy grind - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/76071525
[15] [XML] https://snap.berkeley.edu/project/10053261 https://snap.berkeley.edu/project/10053261
[16] Hearthfire what should I grow in my garden and greenhouse? - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/c89edh/hearthfire_what_should_i_grow_in_my_garden_and/
[17] Guide :: Alchemy Power Leveling Potions - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=621496129
[18] Useful Info v1.1 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/64697696?page=4
[19] Skyrim:Alchemy Laboratory - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls ... - UESP https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alchemy_Laboratory
[20] Guide :: Improve alchemy while making money, easy and fast way https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131927154
[21] Gids :: The Ultimate Crafting Guide - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=dutch&id=794662707
[22] Hearthfire: How long for ingredients to grow back in gardens ... https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/64318023
[23] Skyrim:Making Money - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Making_Money
[24] Any recommendations on plantable alchemy ingredients? : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/q4fbrm/any_recommendations_on_plantable_alchemy/
[25] Starting an alchemy farm...need some advice on best craftable ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/n1tpfo/starting_an_alchemy_farmneed_some_advice_on_best/
[26] Best place to get the Carry Weight enchantment? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/71912663
[27] Skyrim:Windstad Manor - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Windstad_Manor
[28] Question about Hearthfire.. - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/66851861
[29] Skyrim: 10 Tips For Building A Dream House - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/elder-scrolls-skyrim-dream-house-build-tips/
[30] Guide :: Profitable Alchemy Recipes - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121323780
[31] heljarchen farm - help : r/skyrimmods - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/wl965h/heljarchen_farm_help/
[32] Fortify Carry Weight - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Fortify_Carry_Weight
[33] Heljarchen Farm :: Comments - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/comments/226833531
[34] Heljarchen Farm Guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q30nmbW9dJc
[35] Exclusive Hearthfire Alchemy Ingredients? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/65622576
[36] Skyrim Mod: Heljarchen Farm - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ1DhwQU48w
[37] Alchemy and Enchantment Fortify And Gardens : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/7mj0dg/alchemy_and_enchantment_fortify_and_gardens/
[38] Skyrim - Top 4 Plant-able Alchemy Ingredients - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjj-ljE5890
[39] Skyrim:Greenhouse - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Greenhouse
[40] Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ... https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Carry_Weight
[41] What Crops Should I Plant ?? :: The Elder Scrolls V https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/343786746013115813/?l=italian
[42] Skyrim: How To Make A Fortify Carry Weight Potion - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-how-to-make-a-fortify-carry-weight-potion/
[43] Heljarchen Farm - Skyrim Special Edition (Revamped) - Nexus Mods https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4108
[44] Skyrim:Fortify Health - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Health

Hearthfire Homesteads (Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, Heljarchen Hall)

These three homesteads share similar construction processes but have slight variations in total materials needed due to unique exterior additions.

Main Hall Construction:

  • Small House: 20 Quarried Stone, 30 Clay, 6 Sawn Logs, 1 Lock, 2 Hinges, 3 Iron Fittings, 20 Nails
  • Main Hall: 20 Quarried Stone, 20 Clay, 10 Sawn Logs, 1 Lock, 2 Hinges, 3 Iron Fittings, 20 Nails
  • Roof: 40 Quarried Stone, 40 Clay, 30 Sawn Logs, 6 Iron Fittings, 75 Nails

Wing Additions (3 total):

Each wing requires:

  • 30 Quarried Stone, 20 Clay, 20 Sawn Logs, 1 Lock, 2 Hinges, 3 Iron Fittings, 30 Nails

Room Options for Wings:

  1. Armory:

    • Weapon Racks: 4 Sawn Logs, 12 Iron Fittings, 16 Nails
    • Weapon Plaques: 3 Sawn Logs, 9 Iron Fittings, 12 Nails
    • Display Case: 1 Sawn Log, 4 Nails, 1 Hinge, 1 Glass
  2. Kitchen:

    • Oven: 3 Clay, 1 Iron Fitting
    • Shelves: 4 Sawn Logs, 8 Nails
  3. Library:

    • Shelves: 9 Sawn Logs, 18 Nails
  4. Bedroom:

    • Double Bed: 2 Sawn Logs, 1 Leather Strips, 2 Nails
    • Child Beds: 4 Sawn Logs, 2 Leather Strips, 4 Nails
  5. Enchanter's Tower:

    • Arcane Enchanter: 2 Sawn Logs, 3 Quarried Stone, 1 Grand Soul Gem, 2 Iron Fittings
  6. Alchemy Laboratory:

    • Alchemy Lab: 1 Sawn Log, 2 Quarried Stone, 1 Iron Fitting
  7. Greenhouse:

    • Planters: 4 Clay, 1 Quarried Stone
    • Glass Roof: 10 Glass
  8. Storage Room:

    • Shelves and Chests: 6 Sawn Logs, 12 Nails, 3 Iron Fittings, 3 Locks
  9. Trophy Room:

    • Display Cases: 3 Sawn Logs, 12 Nails, 3 Hinges, 3 Glass
    • Plaques and Mounts: Various animal parts (e.g., Goat Horns, Bear Claws)

Exterior Additions:

  • Garden: 1 Sawn Log, 11 Clay
  • Stable: 3 Sawn Logs, 5 Nails
  • Animal Pen: 1 Sawn Log
  • Grindstone: 1 Quarried Stone, 1 Sawn Log, 1 Iron Fitting
  • Smelter: 2 Iron Fittings, 5 Iron Ingots, 6 Clay, 4 Quarried Stone
  • Armorer's Workbench: 1 Sawn Log, 1 Iron Ingot, 2 Quarried Stone

Unique Exterior Additions:

  • Apiary (Lakeview Manor): 2 Sawn Logs, 1 Nail, 2 Straw
  • Fish Hatchery (Windstad Manor): 3 Quarried Stone, 3 Sawn Logs, 4 Nails
  • Mill (Heljarchen Hall): 2 Quarried Stone, 1 Iron Ingot, 1 Sawn Log


  • Chairs: 1 Sawn Log, 2 Nails each
  • Tables: 2 Sawn Logs, 4 Nails each
  • Dressers: 2 Sawn Logs, 1 Iron Fitting, 4 Nails each
  • Weapon Racks: 1 Sawn Log, 3 Iron Fittings, 4 Nails each
  • Rugs: Various animal pelts (e.g., Bear Pelt, Sabre Cat Pelt)
  • Banners: 1 Linen Wrap, 1 Leather Strips each

Goldenhills Plantation

This homestead has a different construction process and material requirements.

Main House:

  • Already constructed, no additional materials needed

Exterior Additions:

  1. Animal Pens: 3 Firewood, Nails

    • Chicken Coop
    • Cow Pen
    • Horse Pen
  2. Apiary: 2 Firewood, Nails, 2 Straw

  3. Blacksmithing Workshop: 4 Iron Ingots, 2 Firewood, Hinge, Iron Fitting, 2 Quarried Stone

    • Includes Forge, Workbench, and Grindstone
  4. Exterior Decoration: 2 Firewood, 3 Quarried Stone

    • Adds various decorative elements around the property
  5. Farmhand Bunkhouse: 5 Firewood, 2 Nails, Hinge, Lock, 5 Quarried Stone, 3 Straw

    • Provides housing for farmhands
  6. Stable: 5 Firewood, 3 Nails

  7. Windmill: 2 Firewood, 2 Iron Fittings, 2 Quarried Stone

    • Used for processing grain

Crop Fields:

  • No additional materials needed, but requires seeds to plant crops


  • Child's Bedroom: 500 gold (purchased from steward)
  • Other interior furnishings are pre-existing or added automatically with upgrades

Additional Notes:

  1. For Hearthfire homes, the total materials needed can vary based on chosen wing configurations and furnishing options.
  2. Iron Ingots are used to craft Nails (1 ingot = 10 nails), Iron Fittings (1 ingot = 1 fitting), and Hinges (1 ingot = 1 hinge) at a forge.
  3. Locks require 1 Iron Ingot and 1 Corundum Ingot each.
  4. Goldenhills Plantation uses Firewood instead of Sawn Logs, which can be chopped at wood chopping blocks.
  5. Some materials like Glass, Straw, and Goat Horns need to be purchased from merchants if not found in the wild.
  6. Animal parts for trophies and rugs are obtained by hunting or purchased from merchants.

This detailed breakdown should provide a comprehensive understanding of the materials and components needed for each homestead in Skyrim Anniversary Edition.

[1] Skyrim Houses - Where to buy and how to build a house - Eurogamer https://www.eurogamer.net/skyrim-houses-where-to-buy-how-to-build-a-house
[2] Building Materials - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Materials
[3] How to get the GoldenHill Plantation! : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/qtm3hy/how_to_get_the_goldenhill_plantation/
[4] Online:Player Housing - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Player_Housing
[5] Skyrim: How To Obtain Every Player Home - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-obtain-every-player-home/
[6] Skyrim:Hearthfire Houses Material List https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hearthfire_Houses_Material_List
[7] Golden Hills Plantation near Rorikstead ? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/answers/643772-golden-hills-plantation-near-rorikstead-
[8] How to Get EVERY PLAYER HOUSE in Skyrim [Elder Scrolls Guides] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d73LozzP19g
[9] Houses - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Houses
[10] How to find Goldenhill Plantation and complete The Unquiet Dead https://www.pcgamer.com/skyrim-the-unquiet-dead-goldenhill-plantation/
[11] Skyrim: Every Player House & How To Get Them - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/skyrim-player-house-guide/
[12] Skyrim:Construction - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Construction
[13] Skyrim anniversary edition: Goldenhills plantation guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoj4zOumWcY
[14] Player Housing | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki https://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Player+Housing
[15] Skyrim:Houses - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Houses
[16] Where can I find building materials? - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/xbox360/681574-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-hearthfire/answers/336931-where-can-i-find-building-materials
[17] Skyrim AE, 1000 Gold Free Every Day, Goldenhills Plantation ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhPNDII9d3E
[18] The perfect Player Home? - Mod Ideas - Nexus Mods Forums https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/8700368-the-perfect-player-home/
[19] Skyrim: Every New Player Home in Anniversary Edition (And How ... https://gamerant.com/skyrim-anniversary-all-new-homes-guide/
[20] Skyrim Hearthfire DLC - How To Build a House and Find ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym0kwf5JC0c
[21] SKYRIM - GOLDENHILLS PLANTATION (Change/Dismiss Steward) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Di2hGnaXM
[22] Guide :: How to Run Skyrim's Most Successful Plantation and ... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869957652
[23] Total Materials List for Hearthfire Homesteads. : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/5gerz0/total_materials_list_for_hearthfire_homesteads/
[24] The 15 Best Player Houses In Skyrim - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/elder-scrolls-skyrim-best-player-houses/

To maximize valuable potion ingredient yields for efficient alchemy training in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (TESVSAE), you should focus on planting specific crops in your player-owned properties. Here's a detailed breakdown of what to plant and where:

Hearthfire Houses

For Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, and Heljarchen Hall:

Garden (11 plots):

  • 5 Mora Tapinella
  • 3 Creep Cluster
  • 3 Scaly Pholiota

Greenhouse (18 plots):

  • 8 Mora Tapinella
  • 5 Creep Cluster
  • 5 Scaly Pholiota

This combination yields the most valuable potion ingredients for alchemy training[1][4].

Goldenhills Plantation

With its larger farming area, plant:

  • 20 Mora Tapinella
  • 12 Creep Cluster
  • 12 Scaly Pholiota[10]

Other Properties

Tundra Homestead:

  • Plant Dragon's Tongue and Lavender in the small garden area

Proudspire Manor:

  • Use the small planter box for Blue Mountain Flower and Nightshade

Severin Manor:

  • Grow Ash Creep Cluster and Scathecraw in the unique Solstheim planting area

Target Potions for Alchemy Training

  1. Fortify Carry Weight Potion: Ingredients: Creep Cluster + Mora Tapinella + Scaly Pholiota Effects: Fortify Carry Weight, Regenerate Stamina, Fortify Illusion, Target Weakness to Magicka, Restore Magicka Value: 410 gold[11]

This potion is excellent for leveling alchemy quickly due to its high value and the ease of growing all ingredients[1][4].

  1. Fortify Health Potion: Ingredients: Giant's Toe + Wheat Effects: Fortify Health, Damage Target's Stamina Regeneration Value: 473 gold[11]

While Giant's Toe isn't plantable, wheat is easily grown. This potion is valuable for both training and profit.

Harvesting and Crafting

  • Harvest your crops every 3 days for maximum efficiency[4].
  • With the setup at Hearthfire houses, you can expect to harvest about 40 of each ingredient per cycle[4].
  • Craft the Fortify Carry Weight potions in bulk to rapidly increase your alchemy skill.
  • Sell the potions to alchemists and general stores to generate income, which can be reinvested in alchemy training[4].

Additional Tips

  • Use the Alchemy skill tree perks to increase the value of your potions and the effectiveness of your ingredients.
  • Consider getting the Green Thumb perk for double harvests, significantly increasing your yield[2].
  • As your Alchemy skill increases, the value and potency of your potions will also increase, leading to faster leveliHere is a comprehensive breakdown of the materials required to construct and fully upgrade all four homesteads in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition, including Heljarchen Hall, Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, and Goldenhills Plantation. The calculations include all base construction, exterior upgrades, and one wing per homestead. Additionally, the materials are broken down into their base components, with totals provided for each homestead and a grand total for all four.

Here's an optimized planting strategy for Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, and Heljarchen Hall, ensuring each homestead produces ingredients for specific high-priority potions while maximizing plot efficiency (29 plots per homestead):

1. Lakeview Manor: Damage Health + Paralysis Poison

Total Plots: 29 (11 garden + 18 greenhouse)

Primary Potion: Damage Health + Paralysis (Deathbell + Imp Stool + Canis Root)

Plot Type Crops Planted Yield/Cycle Potions/Cycle
Garden (11) 6 Deathbell 18 Deathbell 12
5 Canis Root 15 Canis Root
Greenhouse (18) 7 Imp Stool (fungi) 28 Imp Stool
11 Mora Tapinella 33 Mora*


  • Mora Tapinella is grown for optional Restore Magicka synergy (if paired with Creep Cluster).
  • 12 poisons/cycle (limited by Deathbell).
  • Prioritize Green Thumb perk to double yields.

2. Windstad Manor: Restore Health + Fortify Enchanting

Total Plots: 29 (11 garden + 18 greenhouse)

Primary Potion: Restore Health (Wheat + Blue Mountain Flower)

Plot Type Crops Planted Yield/Cycle Potions/Cycle
Garden (11) 6 Wheat 30 Wheat 27
5 Blue Mountain Flower 25 BMF
Greenhouse (18) 9 Snowberries 27 Snowberries 9
9 CC Stoneflower Petal 27 Stoneflower


  • 27 Restore Health potions/cycle (Wheat + BMF).
  • 9 Fortify Enchanting potions/cycle (Snowberries + Stoneflower).
  • Use Benefactor perk to boost potion strength.

3. Heljarchen Hall: Restore Magicka + Utility

Total Plots: 29 (11 garden + 18 greenhouse)

Primary Potion: Restore Magicka (Red Mountain Flower + CC Ironwood Nut)

Plot Type Crops Planted Yield/Cycle Potions/Cycle
Garden (11) 6 Red Mountain Flower 18 RMF 18
5 CC Ironwood Nut 15 Ironwood
Greenhouse (18) 9 Wheat (backup) 27 Wheat
9 Blue Mountain Flower 27 BMF


  • 18 Restore Magicka potions/cycle (RMF + Ironwood).
  • Backup Wheat/BMF ensures Restore Health supply.
  • Build apiaries for Restore Stamina (Honeycomb + Beehive).

Key Features

  • No Overlapping Crops: Each homestead specializes in distinct potions.
  • CC Dependency:
    • Stoneflower Petal and Ironwood Nut require Farming Creation.
    • Substitute with non-CC ingredients if unavailable (e.g., Lavender for Restore Health).
  • Gold Synergy: Goldenhills handles Fortify Carry Weight; others focus on utility/combat.

Harvest Efficiency

Homestead Primary Potion Secondary Potion
Lakeview 12 Paralysis Poisons 33 Mora (optional)
Windstad 27 Restore Health 9 Fortify Enchanting
Heljarchen 18 Restore Magicka Backup Restore Health

This setup ensures self-sufficiency across all homesteads while adhering to plot limits and potency priorities.

[1] Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ... https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Carry_Weight
[2] Tips to level alchemy and make easy gold. - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/tips-to-level-alchemy-and-make-easy-gold.20633/
[3] Farming Guide - Skyrim AE Builds https://skyrimaebuilds.com/farming.php
[4] Skyrim Special Edition Alchemy Guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5xWLVIL5dQ
[5] what is the maximum fortify carry weight an item can get? : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/179e7go/what_is_the_maximum_fortify_carry_weight_an_item/
[6] The COMPLETE Guide To Farming In Skyrim - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcfEJ47EhLc
[7] Building Your House - Wings - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Your_House_-_Wings
[8] Best place to get the Carry Weight enchantment? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/71912663
[9] Skyrim:Greenhouse - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Greenhouse
[10] Skyrim:Fortify Health - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Health
[11] What are some (able to be grown at a hearthfire home) ingredients ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/18nkxcj/what_are_some_able_to_be_grown_at_a_hearthfire/
[12] Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch: Version History - AFK Mods https://www.afkmods.com/Unofficial%20Skyrim%20Legendary%20Edition%20Patch%20Version%20History.html
[13] Building Your House - Wings - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Building_Your_House_-_Wings
[14] Alchemy grind - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/76071525
[15] [XML] https://snap.berkeley.edu/project/10053261 https://snap.berkeley.edu/project/10053261
[16] Hearthfire what should I grow in my garden and greenhouse? - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/c89edh/hearthfire_what_should_i_grow_in_my_garden_and/
[17] Guide :: Alchemy Power Leveling Potions - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=621496129
[18] Useful Info v1.1 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/64697696?page=4
[19] Skyrim:Alchemy Laboratory - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls ... - UESP https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alchemy_Laboratory
[20] Guide :: Improve alchemy while making money, easy and fast way https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131927154
[21] Gids :: The Ultimate Crafting Guide - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=dutch&id=794662707
[22] Hearthfire: How long for ingredients to grow back in gardens ... https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/64318023
[23] Skyrim:Making Money - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Making_Money
[24] Any recommendations on plantable alchemy ingredients? : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/q4fbrm/any_recommendations_on_plantable_alchemy/
[25] Starting an alchemy farm...need some advice on best craftable ... https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/n1tpfo/starting_an_alchemy_farmneed_some_advice_on_best/
[26] Best place to get the Carry Weight enchantment? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/71912663
[27] Skyrim:Windstad Manor - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Windstad_Manor
[28] Question about Hearthfire.. - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/66851861
[29] Skyrim: 10 Tips For Building A Dream House - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/elder-scrolls-skyrim-dream-house-build-tips/
[30] Guide :: Profitable Alchemy Recipes - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121323780
[31] heljarchen farm - help : r/skyrimmods - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/wl965h/heljarchen_farm_help/
[32] Fortify Carry Weight - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Fortify_Carry_Weight
[33] Heljarchen Farm :: Comments - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/comments/226833531
[34] Heljarchen Farm Guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q30nmbW9dJc
[35] Exclusive Hearthfire Alchemy Ingredients? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/65622576
[36] Skyrim Mod: Heljarchen Farm - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ1DhwQU48w
[37] Alchemy and Enchantment Fortify And Gardens : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/7mj0dg/alchemy_and_enchantment_fortify_and_gardens/
[38] Skyrim - Top 4 Plant-able Alchemy Ingredients - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjj-ljE5890
[39] Skyrim:Greenhouse - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Greenhouse
[40] Skyrim:Fortify Carry Weight - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ... https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Carry_Weight
[41] What Crops Should I Plant ?? :: The Elder Scrolls V https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/343786746013115813/?l=italian
[42] Skyrim: How To Make A Fortify Carry Weight Potion - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-how-to-make-a-fortify-carry-weight-potion/
[43] Heljarchen Farm - Skyrim Special Edition (Revamped) - Nexus Mods https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4108
[44] Skyrim:Fortify Health - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Health

Heljarchen Hall

Located in The Pale, Heljarchen Hall features a unique grain mill for producing flour.

Materials Breakdown

  • Small House Layout:

    • Clay: 4
    • Hinges: 2
    • Iron Fittings: 1
    • Lock: 1
    • Nails: 30
    • Quarried Stone: 14
    • Sawn Logs: 17
  • Main Hall:

    • Clay: 16
    • Hinges: 1
    • Iron Fittings: 1
    • Lock: 1
    • Nails: 85
    • Quarried Stone: 36
    • Sawn Logs: 47
  • Exterior Features:

    • Grain Mill: Quarried Stone (2), Sawn Logs (2), Iron Fittings (2)
    • Stable: Sawn Logs (3), Nails (5)
    • Garden: Sawn Logs (1)
    • Smelter: Clay (6), Quarried Stone (4), Iron Fittings (2), Iron Ingots (5)
  • Wing Addition (e.g., Armory):

    • Clay: ~41
    • Hinges: ~69
    • Iron Fittings: ~93
    • Nails: ~498
    • Quarried Stone: ~171
    • Sawn Logs: ~337

Total Materials for Heljarchen Hall

  • Clay: ~67
  • Hinges: ~72
  • Iron Fittings: ~99
  • Lock: ~2
  • Nails: ~618
  • Quarried Stone: ~227
  • Sawn Logs: ~407

Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the materials required to construct and fully upgrade all four homesteads in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition, including Heljarchen Hall, Lakeview Manor, Windstad Manor, and Goldenhills Plantation. The calculations include all base construction, exterior upgrades, and one wing per homestead. Additionally, the materials are broken down into their base components, with totals provided for each homestead and a grand total for all four.

Heljarchen Hall

Located in The Pale, Heljarchen Hall features a unique grain mill for producing flour.

Materials Breakdown

  • Small House Layout:

    • Clay: 4
    • Hinges: 2
    • Iron Fittings: 1
    • Lock: 1
    • Nails: 30
    • Quarried Stone: 14
    • Sawn Logs: 17
  • Main Hall:

    • Clay: 16
    • Hinges: 1
    • Iron Fittings: 1
    • Lock: 1
    • Nails: 85
    • Quarried Stone: 36
    • Sawn Logs: 47
  • Exterior Features:

    • Grain Mill: Quarried Stone (2), Sawn Logs (2), Iron Fittings (2)
    • Stable: Sawn Logs (3), Nails (5)
    • Garden: Sawn Logs (1)
    • Smelter: Clay (6), Quarried Stone (4), Iron Fittings (2), Iron Ingots (5)
  • Wing Addition (e.g., Armory):

    • Clay: ~41
    • Hinges: ~69
    • Iron Fittings: ~93
    • Nails: ~498
    • Quarried Stone: ~171
    • Sawn Logs: ~337

Total Materials for Heljarchen Hall

  • Clay: ~67
  • Hinges: ~72
  • Iron Fittings: ~99
  • Lock: ~2
  • Nails: ~618
  • Quarried Stone: ~227
  • Sawn Logs: ~407

Lakeview Manor

Located in Falkreath Hold, Lakeview Manor offers a scenic view and the unique ability to build an apiary.

Materials Breakdown

  • Same as Heljarchen Hall for the Small House Layout and Main Hall.
  • Exterior Features:

    • Apiary: Sawn Logs (2), Nails (4), Straw (2)
    • Stable, Garden, Smelter, and other features use the same materials as Heljarchen Hall.
  • Wing Addition (e.g., Kitchen):

    • Clay: ~43
    • Hinges: ~57
    • Iron Fittings: ~76
    • Nails: ~440
    • Quarried Stone: ~159
    • Sawn Logs: ~292

Total Materials for Lakeview Manor

  • Clay: ~69
  • Hinges: ~60
  • Iron Fittings: ~80
  • Lock: ~2
  • Nails: ~564
  • Quarried Stone: ~215
  • Sawn Logs: ~360
  • Straw: ~2

Windstad Manor

Located in Hjaalmarch, Windstad Manor features a unique fish hatchery.

Materials Breakdown

  • Same as Heljarchen Hall for the Small House Layout and Main Hall.
  • Exterior Features:

    • Fish Hatchery: Quarried Stone (3), Sawn Logs (3), Nails (4)
    • Stable, Garden, Smelter, and other features use the same materials as Heljarchen Hall.
  • Wing Addition (e.g., Greenhouse):

    • Clay: ~59
    • Hinges: ~65
    • Iron Fittings: ~95
    • Nails: ~487
    • Quarried Stone: ~181
    • Sawn Logs: ~327

Total Materials for Windstad Manor

  • Clay: ~79
  • Hinges: ~68
  • Iron Fittings: ~101
  • Lock: ~2
  • Nails: ~610
  • Quarried Stone: ~238
  • Sawn Logs: ~400

Goldenhills Plantation

Goldenhills Plantation is added with the Farming Creation. Its construction process differs slightly from the other three homesteads. It primarily uses materials for farming upgrades.

Materials Breakdown

Goldenhills Plantation requires fewer materials compared to Hearthfire homes. Specific material requirements vary based on upgrades but typically include:

  • Sawn Logs (~20–30)
  • Quarried Stone (~10–15)
  • Clay (~5–10)

Grand Total for All Four Homesteads

Combining all materials across the four homesteads:

Material Total Quantity
Clay 139
Hinges 211
Iron Fittings 268
Lock 6
Nails 1567
Quarried Stone 574
Sawn Logs 1048
Straw 2

This grand total includes all base construction, exterior upgrades, and one wing per homestead. Note that material quantities may vary slightly depending on specific wing choices or additional furnishing preferences.

[1] Skyrim:Construction - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Construction
[2] Skyrim:Hearthfire Houses Material List - UESP https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hearthfire_Houses_Material_List
[3] My Hearthfire build-a-home Material List : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/15hlio5/my_hearthfire_buildahome_material_list/
[4] Skyrim: Hearthfire Housing Guide - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/skyrim-hearthfire-housing-guide/
[5] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Hearthfire House Guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=french&id=622801681
[6] Skyrim:Hearthfire Houses Material List https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hearthfire_Houses_Material_List

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