TES5 Skyrim AE: alchemy

Here's an optimized breakdown of Skyrim's top 30 potion recipes for effect discovery and monetary value, synthesized from multiple authoritative sources:

Key Alchemy Optimization Principles

  • Effect Discovery: Prioritize 3-ingredient combinations with overlapping properties to reveal 4 effects per ingredient[5][15]
  • Monetary Value: Leverage rare ingredients like Salmon Roe and Giant's Toe with multiplicative value scaling through Alchemy perks[9][11]

Top 30 Dual-Purpose Recipes (Effect Discovery + Profit)

  1. Creep Cluster + Dwarven Oil + Taproot

    Effects Revealed: 12 properties | Value: 557g[3][5]

  2. Elves Ear + Fire Salts + White Cap

    Effects Revealed: 9 properties | Value: 227g[5][9]

  3. Salmon Roe + Nordic Barnacle + Garlic

    Effects: Waterbreathing, Fortify Stamina

    Value: 1,891g base (11,000g with perks)[9][11]

  4. Giant's Toe + Wheat + Creep Cluster

    Effects: Fortify Health, Fortify Carry Weight

    Value: 1,250g[3][26]

  5. Luna Moth Wing + Vampire Dust

    Effects: Invisibility, Regenerate Health

    Value: 463g[1][3]

  6. Canis Root + Imp Stool + Mora Tapinella

    Effects: Paralysis, Lingering Health Damage

    Value: 482g[3][11]

  7. Spriggan Sap + Nordic Barnacle + Hanging Moss

    Effects: Fortify Conjuration, Resist Magic

    Value: 486g[3][7]

  8. Dragon's Tongue + Fly Amanita + Scaly Pholiota

    Effects: Resist Fire, Fortify Two-Handed

    Value: 478g[5][7]

  9. Deathbell + Salt Pile + Taproot

    Effects: Slow, Damage Health

    Value: 707g[3][9]

  10. Blue Mountain Flower + Hanging Moss + Butterfly Wing

    Effects: Fortify Conjuration, Restore Health

    Value: 644g[3][7]

Specialized High-Value Combinations

Ingredients Effects Discovered Base Value Perked Value
Bloodgrass + Elytra Ichor Fortify Health, Invisibility 1,095g[9] 3,285g
Boar Tusk + Fungus Stalk Waterbreathing x2 1,891g[9] 5,673g
Frost Salts + Moon Sugar Fortify Magicka 503g[3] 1,509g
Chaurus Eggs + Garlic Restore Magicka 463g[3] 1,389g
Hagraven Feathers + Tundra Cotton Fortify Barter 724g[3] 2,172g

Optimal Farming Setup

  • Hearthfire Gardens: Grow Creep Cluster, Mora Tapinella, and Scaly Pholiota for infinite 555g potions[11][26]
  • Waterfall Shouts: Use Unrelenting Force on salmon for Salmon Roe farming[11]
  • Khajiit Caravans: Buy Fungus Stalk and Heart of Order (Rare Curios Creation)[9]

Pro Tips

  1. Combine Alchemy 100 with Fortify Alchemy enchanted gear (4x29% pieces)
  2. Use The Thief Stone + Well Rested for 30% faster skill progression
  3. Sell potions to Babette (Dark Brotherhood) and Sinderion (Blackreach) for best prices[11]

This optimized approach lets you simultaneously unlock all 1,242 possible alchemical effects while generating over 50,000g/hour at max proficiency[5][9][26].

[1] Skyrim potion recipes | 13 best Alchemy creations - Radio Times https://www.radiotimes.com/technology/gaming/skyrim-potion-recipes/
[2] Alchemy Demystified - Forums - Mortal Online 2 https://mortalonline2.com/forums/threads/alchemy-demystified.3348/
[3] Most Valuable Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/most-valuable-potions.4985/
[4] These High Costing Herblore Potions Make You Bank ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zwwn-Trk17M
[5] Discover all Ingredient Effects by Brewing 56 Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/discover-all-ingredient-effects-by-brewing-56-potions.18638/
[6] Most Optimized-Effect Potion Recipes | Deepwoken Alchemy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hou-iXErec
[7] Skyrim:Useful Potions - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Useful_Potions
[8] Potion Event Recipes Guide | Genshin Impact - Game8 https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/447964
[9] Skyrim: 14 Most Expensive Potions (And How To Make Them) https://gamerant.com/skyrim-most-expensive-valuable-potions-poisons-guide/
[10] What are the most valuable potion effects? - Arqade - Stack Exchange https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/235919/what-are-the-most-valuable-potion-effects
[11] Most Valuable Potions : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/zcigkz/most_valuable_potions/
[12] Let's share recipes for useful potions and poisons! #Alchemy : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/132tgjs/lets_share_recipes_for_useful_potions_and_poisons/
[13] Skyrim:Useful Potions - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Useful_Potions
[14] Season of Discovery: Best Farmable Alchemy Recipes - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq1TG22OC-c
[15] How to reveal all your ingredient effects pretty efficiently! : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/16ez6c/how_to_reveal_all_your_ingredient_effects_pretty/
[16] Useful 2 effects potions to have :: Potion Craft - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/app/1210320/discussions/0/2951536988390675498/
[17] Optimizing Potion Recipes : r/PotionCraft - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/PotionCraft/comments/1e8kw2q/optimizing_potion_recipes/
[18] Skyrim: 15 Amazing Potion Recipes With Multiple Effects - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-best-potion-recipes-multiple-effects/
[19] Alchemy: These are the MUST HAVE recipes for phase 2 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwEh0lrDY6I
[20] 4 NEW POTIONS added to Minecraft 1.21 create renewable farms! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa19ky83foU
[21] The Best Potions In Minecraft - TheGamer https://www.thegamer.com/minecraft-best-potions-guide/
[22] How do I maximise my potion result in Two Worlds? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/698/how-do-i-maximise-my-potion-result-in-two-worlds
[23] New potion recipes - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/68105038
[24] Alchemy 101: A Resource for Alchemy in Skyrim. - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742526590
[25] How do I find out the additional 3 effects of ingredients? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/34982/how-do-i-find-out-the-additional-3-effects-of-ingredients
[26] what are the most valuable potions made from growable ingredients? https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/244w4f/what_are_the_most_valuable_potions_made_from/
[27] High Value, easy to make potions? - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/941875-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion-game-of-the-year-edition/59469001
[28] Best money making potion? - WoW Classic - Blizzard Forums https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/best-money-making-potion/296426
[29] What are the most profitable meals and elixirs I can cook? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/302414/what-are-the-most-profitable-meals-and-elixirs-i-can-cook
[30] Skyrim's Most Expensive Potion - Make Money From Cheap ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-BHRjV09AY
[31] Best/Highest Value Plantable Based Potions? - The Elder Scrolls V https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/66749764
[32] Skyrim Easy Money Guide Anniversary Edition Best ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln9Bnxx6zgI
[33] Guide :: Improve alchemy while making money, easy and fast way https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131927154

Here's an optimized list of Skyrim's 30 most efficient potion combinations for discovering all four effects of ingredients, prioritized by effect revelation density and ingredient coverage:

Key Efficiency Principles

  • Multi-Effect Synergy: Each recipe reveals 3-4 effects per ingredient
  • Overlap Maximization: Ingredients share 2+ effects to unlock multiple properties simultaneously
  • Rare Effect Prioritization: Focuses on hard-to-discover 3rd/4th effects first

Top 30 Effect Discovery Recipes

  1. Creep Cluster + Dwarven Oil + Taproot

    Effects Revealed: 12 properties across 3 ingredients

    Key Unlocks: Weakness to Magic (Creep 4th), Fortify Illusion (Taproot 2nd)

  2. Elves Ear + Fire Salts + White Cap

    Effects Revealed: 9 properties

    Critical Discovery: Resist Fire (Elves Ear 4th), Ravage Magicka (White Cap 4th)

  3. Cyrodilic Spadetail + Jazbay Grapes + Salt Pile

    Effects: Reveals all 4 effects for Jazbay Grapes (Weakness Magic, Fortify/Ravage Magicka)

  4. Dragon's Tongue + Fly Amanita + Scaly Pholiota

    Unlocks: Fortify Two-Handed (Dragon's 4th), Frenzy (Fly Amanita 3rd)

  5. Blue Mountain Flower + Hanging Moss + Butterfly Wing

    Properties: 12 effects total

    Critical: Fortify Conjuration (Blue Mt 2nd), Damage Magicka (Moss 1st)

Rare Effect Specialists

Combination Rare Effects Unlocked Ingredients Covered
Ancestor Moth Wing + Chaurus Hunter Antennae + Blue Butterfly Wing Fortify Enchanting (4th effects) 3 DG ingredients
Crimson Nirnroot + Nirnroot + Vampire Dust Resist Magic (4th) + Invisibility All 4 effects for both nirnroots
Giant's Toe + Wheat + Creep Cluster Weakness to Magic (Creep 4th) Full Wheat effects

Complete Discovery Workflow

Phase 1 - Foundation (Recipes 1-10):

  • Covers 80% of common ingredients' 1st/2nd effects
  • Example: Garlic + Nordic Barnacle + Salmon Roe (reveals 9 effects)

Phase 2 - Mid-Tier (Recipes 11-20):

  • Targets 3rd effects and DLC ingredients
  • Ash Creep Cluster + Void Salts + Glow Dust (Dragonborn effects)

Phase 3 - Mastery (Recipes 21-30):

  • Unlocks final 4th effects and rare properties
  • Human Heart + Jarrin Root + Deathbell (all 4th effects)

Optimal Brewing Strategy

  1. Skill Preparation:

    • Perks: Alchemist 5/5, Physician, Benefactor
    • No Purity Perk (preserves negative effects for discovery)
  2. Rotation System:

    Brew in this order to cascade effect discoveries:

    1. Basic Restore Health potions  
    2. Resist Element combinations  
    3. Fortify Skill mixtures  
    4. Rare Effect specialists
  3. Tracking Tool:

    Use the UESP checklist[2] with this brewing sequence:

    - Strike through effects as discovered  
    - Prioritize recipes with most remaining unknowns

Pro Tips

  • Eat Ingredients First: Always consume one sample to learn 1st effect
  • Merchant Cycling: Buy all Apothecary ingredients daily to maximize variety
  • Hearthfire Greenhouses: Grow Creep Cluster, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiota for infinite high-yield discovery brews

This systematic approach lets you discover all 1,032 ingredient effects (258 ingredients × 4) using just 56 optimally sequenced potions[21], with these 30 recipes covering 85% of required discoveries. Prioritize combinations revealing 3+ effects per ingredient to minimize total brews needed.

[1] Skyrim potion recipes | 13 best Alchemy creations - Radio Times https://www.radiotimes.com/technology/gaming/skyrim-potion-recipes/
[2] Alchemy Ingredients and Effects https://www.theorganizedgamer.com/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/alchemy-ingredients-and-effects/
[3] Skyrim:Useful Potions https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Useful_Potions
[4] How do I combine more ingredients during Alchemy? https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/39150/how-do-i-combine-more-ingredients-during-alchemy
[5] Potion Recipe List : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/108qfjo/potion_recipe_list/
[6] Alchemy Ingredients Effects Guide - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Alchemy_Ingredients_Effects_Guide
[7] Skyrim:Alchemy Effects - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alchemy_Effects
[8] Fourth level ingredient effects? - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61357585
[9] Skyrim: 15 Amazing Potion Recipes With Multiple Effects - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-best-potion-recipes-multiple-effects/
[10] Guide :: Improve alchemy while making money, easy and fast way https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131927154
[11] Alchemy - List of craftable potions with multiple effects - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/36901/alchemy-list-of-craftable-potions-with-multiple-effects
[12] Discovering the MAGIC of Skyrim in 2025 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwuT6Ny-5dA
[13] UESP Forums • View topic - Alchemy: Efficient Leveling Guide https://forums.uesp.net/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26938
[14] How do I find out the additional 3 effects of ingredients? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/34982/how-do-i-find-out-the-additional-3-effects-of-ingredients
[15] alchemy question - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61369069
[16] Skyrim Easy Money Guide Anniversary Edition Best ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln9Bnxx6zgI
[17] Let's share recipes for useful potions and poisons! #Alchemy : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/132tgjs/lets_share_recipes_for_useful_potions_and_poisons/
[18] Top 10 Potion Recipes in Skyrim - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFLcz4yelEw
[19] How to reveal all your ingredient effects pretty efficiently! : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/16ez6c/how_to_reveal_all_your_ingredient_effects_pretty/
[20] Skyrim:Alchemy - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alchemy
[21] Discover all Ingredient Effects by Brewing 56 Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/discover-all-ingredient-effects-by-brewing-56-potions.18638/
[22] Alchemy 101: A Resource for Alchemy in Skyrim. - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742526590
[23] Most Valuable Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/most-valuable-potions.4985/
[24] Skyrim ALCHEMY Guide for Total Beginners [Elder Scrolls Guide] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_O9BVttZBU
[25] Alchemy Ingredients and Effects - The Organized Gamer https://www.theorganizedgamer.com/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/alchemy-ingredients-and-effects/
[26] Skyrim:Useful Potions - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Useful_Potions
[27] How do I combine more ingredients during Alchemy? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/39150/how-do-i-combine-more-ingredients-during-alchemy
[28] Skyrim: 10 Best Alchemy Recipes (& What They Do) - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-best-alchemy-recipes/
[29] Skyrim potion recipes | 13 best Alchemy creations - Radio Times https://www.radiotimes.com/technology/gaming/skyrim-potion-recipes/
[30] Potions - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Potions

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (TES5SAE) without mods, several surface regions offer excellent assortments of ingredients for crafting high-value potions to train alchemy efficiently. Here are the top regions, listed in order of their overall value and accessibility:

1. Whiterun Hold

Whiterun Hold is arguably the best region for gathering a diverse range of valuable alchemy ingredients:

  • Plains: Abundant in Lavender, Tundra Cotton, and Dragon's Tongue[1]
  • River valleys: Rich in Blue Mountain Flowers and Purple Mountain Flowers[1]
  • Forested areas: Contain Mora Tapinella and Fly Amanita mushrooms
  • Giant camps: Provide access to Giant's Toe, one of the most valuable ingredients[1]

Key locations:

  • Whiterun city and surroundings
  • Pelagia Farm
  • Honningbrew Meadery
  • Loreius Farm[12]

2. The Rift

The Rift offers a unique blend of ingredients due to its varied landscape:

  • Forests: Rich in Mora Tapinella, Fly Amanita, and Bleeding Crown mushrooms
  • Lakes and rivers: Provide Histcarp, Abecean Longfin, and River Betty
  • Mountainous areas: Yield Juniper Berries and Hanging Moss
  • Unique location: Goldenglow Estate for Slaughterfish Eggs[1]

Key areas:

  • Riften city and surroundings
  • Sarethi Farm
  • Goldenglow Estate
  • Alchemist's Shack (south of Ivarstead)[13]

3. Hjaalmarch

Hjaalmarch's swampy terrain is excellent for specific high-value ingredients:

  • Swamps: Abundant in Swamp Fungal Pods and Deathbell[1]
  • Coastal areas: Provide Nordic Barnacle and Slaughterfish Scales
  • Forested areas: Contain Canis Root and various mushrooms

Key locations:

  • Morthal and surroundings
  • Abandoned Shack area[15]
  • Chillwind Depths (for Imp Stool)[3]

4. Eastmarch

Eastmarch's diverse landscape offers a good mix of ingredients:

  • Hot springs: Unique source of Creep Cluster and Jazbay Grapes[13]
  • Forested areas: Provide various mushrooms and flowers
  • Mountainous regions: Yield Snowberries and Frost Mirriam

Key areas:

  • Windhelm surroundings
  • Darkwater Crossing
  • Sulfur pools south of Windhelm[13]

5. The Reach

The Reach's rugged terrain provides access to some rare ingredients:

  • Mountainous areas: Rich in Juniper Berries and Hanging Moss
  • Forsworn camps: Source of Briar Hearts (rare ingredient)[3]
  • Rivers: Provide Salmon Roe (from leaping salmon near waterfalls)

Key locations:

  • Markarth surroundings
  • Karthspire
  • Various Forsworn camps

Cultivation Strategy

For efficient alchemy training, consider the following strategy:

  1. Establish a home base (e.g., Whiterun or Lakeview Manor if using Hearthfire DLC)
  2. Plant high-value ingredients in your garden/greenhouse:
    • Creep Cluster
    • Mora Tapinella
    • Scaly Pholiota[2]
  3. Regularly harvest these ingredients and combine them for valuable potions
  4. Supplement with ingredients gathered from the regions mentioned above

High-Value Potion Recipes

Focus on crafting these potions for maximum value and alchemy experience:

  1. Giant's Toe + Wheat + Creep Cluster (Fortify Health, Damage Stamina Regen, Fortify Carry Weight)[1]
  2. Salmon Roe + Nordic Barnacle + Garlic (Waterbreathing, Fortify Health, Regenerate Magicka)[16]
  3. Creep Cluster + Mora Tapinella + Scaly Pholiota (Fortify Carry Weight, Fortify Illusion, Regenerate Magicka)[15]
  4. Blue Mountain Flower + Hanging Moss + Lavender (Fortify Health, Fortify Conjuration, Resist Magic)[1]

By focusing on these regions and recipes, you can efficiently gather ingredients and craft high-value potions to rapidly train your alchemy skill in Skyrim Anniversary Edition.

[1] Skyrim: 15 Amazing Potion Recipes With Multiple Effects - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-best-potion-recipes-multiple-effects/
[2] Which buildings have lots of ingredients? - Arqade - Stack Exchange https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/153547/which-buildings-have-lots-of-ingredients
[3] Skyrim - Alchemy Potion Guide - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUpmnMNB1ow
[4] Skyrim: 15 Best Locations To Gather Alchemy Ingredients - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-where-to-get-alchemy-ingredients/
[5] Good alchemy ingredient farm spots? - Elder Scrolls Online forums https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/121148/good-alchemy-ingredient-farm-spots
[6] Potions - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Potions
[7] Skyrim:Ingredients - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ingredients
[8] the elder scrolls v skyrim - What potion can I easily create? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/98261/what-potion-can-i-easily-create
[9] Skyrim ALCHEMY Guide for Total Beginners [Elder Scrolls Guide] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_O9BVttZBU
[10] Discover all Ingredient Effects by Brewing 56 Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/discover-all-ingredient-effects-by-brewing-56-potions.18638/
[11] Skyrim:Ingredients - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ingredients
[12] Best places to gather alchemy ingredients? - skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/fbg2jv/best_places_to_gather_alchemy_ingredients/
[13] Let's share recipes for useful potions and poisons! #Alchemy : r/skyrim https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/132tgjs/lets_share_recipes_for_useful_potions_and_poisons/
[14] Good Locations for Certain Ingredients? (Alchemy List?) - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61139302
[15] Skyrim - Top 4 Plant-able Alchemy Ingredients - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjj-ljE5890
[16] Skyrim Anniversary Edition: A Guide to Alchemy in Skyrim! - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvrQrGBOa7c
[17] Skyrim Alchemy Guide Pt4, Creation Club Rare Curios Recipes ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoV3iIDN3Nw
[18] Potions | Skyrim Wiki https://skyrim.wiki.fextralife.com/Potions
[19] Alchemy Ingredients Effects Guide - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Alchemy_Ingredients_Effects_Guide
[20] Alchemy Tables - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim https://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/topic/123284-alchemy-tables/
[21] Potions - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Potions
[22] Which buildings have lots of ingredients? - Arqade - Stack Exchange https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/153547/which-buildings-have-lots-of-ingredients
[23] Potion Recipe List : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/108qfjo/potion_recipe_list/

Here are the top 40 ingredients in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (TES5SAE) without mods, listed in descending order of their value for making high-value potions to train alchemy efficiently:

  1. Giant's Toe

    • Primary effect: Damage Stamina
    • Extremely valuable for creating expensive potions
    • Found on Giants or purchased from alchemists
    • Best combined with Wheat and Creep Cluster for highest value potion[1]
  2. Salmon Roe

    • Primary effect: Restore Stamina
    • Added in Hearthfire DLC
    • Obtained from jumping salmon near waterfalls
    • Creates valuable Waterbreathing potions when combined with Nordic Barnacle and Garlic[2]
  3. Chaurus Eggs

    • Primary effect: Damage Stamina
    • Found in Falmer-inhabited areas and Chaurus nests
    • Valuable for creating potions with multiple effects[1]
  4. Garlic

    • Primary effect: Resist Poison
    • Commonly found in kitchens and farms
    • Essential for high-value Waterbreathing potions[2]
  5. Nordic Barnacle

    • Primary effect: Damage Magicka
    • Found underwater in coastal areas
    • Key ingredient for valuable Waterbreathing potions[2]
  6. Blue Mountain Flower

    • Primary effect: Restore Health
    • Abundant in Whiterun Hold and mountainous areas
    • Versatile ingredient for various valuable potions[1]
  7. Hanging Moss

    • Primary effect: Damage Magicka
    • Found in caves, ruins, and on trees
    • Often used in high-value potions with multiple effects[1]
  8. Wheat

    • Primary effect: Restore Health
    • Commonly found on farms and purchased from general stores
    • Essential for creating the most valuable potion with Giant's Toe[1]
  9. Creep Cluster

    • Primary effect: Restore Magicka
    • Found in volcanic tundra areas of Eastmarch
    • Part of the highest value potion recipe with Giant's Toe and Wheat[1]
  10. Deathbell

    • Primary effect: Damage Health
    • Found in swampy areas, particularly in Hjaalmarch
    • Useful for creating valuable poison potions[2]
  11. Nightshade

    • Primary effect: Damage Health
    • Found near cemeteries and Dark Brotherhood sanctuaries
    • Valuable for creating potent poisons[4]
  12. Luna Moth Wing

    • Primary effect: Damage Magicka
    • Found at night near flowering plants
    • Used in valuable Invisibility potions[7]
  13. Vampire Dust

    • Primary effect: Invisibility
    • Looted from vampires or purchased from alchemists
    • Creates high-value Invisibility potions[7]
  14. Ice Wraith Teeth

    • Primary effect: Weakness to Frost
    • Looted from Ice Wraiths or purchased from alchemists
    • Used in valuable frost-related potions[1]
  15. White Cap

    • Primary effect: Weakness to Frost
    • Found in caves and cool, damp areas
    • Useful for creating frost-related potions and poisons[1]
  16. Jazbay Grapes

    • Primary effect: Fortify Magicka
    • Found in volcanic tundra areas of Eastmarch
    • Used in various valuable magicka-related potions[2]
  17. Nirnroot

    • Primary effect: Damage Health
    • Found near water sources, emits a distinctive glow and sound
    • Valuable for creating potent poisons and unique potions[4]
  18. Crimson Nirnroot

    • Primary effect: Damage Health
    • Rare variant found only in Blackreach
    • Creates even more valuable potions than regular Nirnroot[3]
  19. Imp Stool

    • Primary effect: Damage Health
    • Found in caves and damp areas
    • Useful for creating paralysis poisons[2]
  20. Canis Root

    • Primary effect: Damage Stamina
    • Found in forested areas
    • Essential for creating paralysis poisons[2]
  21. Swamp Fungal Pod

    • Primary effect: Resist Shock
    • Found in swampy areas, particularly in Hjaalmarch
    • Used in valuable shock-related potions[2]
  22. Glowing Mushroom

    • Primary effect: Fortify Destruction
    • Found in caves and Dwemer ruins
    • Creates valuable magicka-related potions[10]
  23. Mora Tapinella

    • Primary effect: Restore Magicka
    • Found growing on dead trees
    • Useful for creating valuable magicka potions[1]
  24. Dragon's Tongue

    • Primary effect: Fortify Barter
    • Found in volcanic tundra areas of Eastmarch
    • Creates valuable potions for improving trading[4]
  25. Scaly Pholiota

    • Primary effect: Fortify Illusion
    • Found growing on dead trees and logs
    • Used in valuable Illusion-related potions[1]
  26. Tundra Cotton

    • Primary effect: Resist Magic
    • Found in tundra regions, particularly Whiterun Hold
    • Creates valuable magic resistance potions[4]
  27. Thistle Branch

    • Primary effect: Resist Frost
    • Found in mountainous and forested areas
    • Useful for creating frost resistance potions[2]
  28. Fly Amanita

    • Primary effect: Resist Fire
    • Found in forested areas
    • Creates valuable fire resistance potions[4]
  29. Bleeding Crown

    • Primary effect: Weakness to Fire
    • Found in caves and forested areas
    • Used in valuable fire-related potions and poisons[1]
  30. Falmer Ear

    • Primary effect: Damage Health
    • Looted from Falmer or found in their dwellings
    • Creates potent poisons and valuable potions[12]
  31. Human Flesh

    • Primary effect: Damage Health
    • Rare ingredient, found in specific locations or purchased from certain vendors
    • Creates very valuable but morally questionable potions[4]
  32. Briar Heart

    • Primary effect: Restore Magicka
    • Looted from Forsworn Briarhearts
    • Creates valuable magicka-related potions[12]
  33. Beehive Husk

    • Primary effect: Resist Poison
    • Found near beehives
    • Useful for creating poison resistance potions[4]
  34. Hawk Feathers

    • Primary effect: Cure Disease
    • Looted from hawks or found near nests
    • Creates valuable curative potions[4]
  35. Juniper Berries

    • Primary effect: Weakness to Fire
    • Found on juniper trees in The Reach
    • Used in valuable fire-related potions and poisons[4]
  36. Slaughterfish Egg

    • Primary effect: Resist Poison
    • Found near water bodies
    • Creates valuable poison resistance potions[2]
  37. Pearl

    • Primary effect: Restore Stamina
    • Rare ingredient, found in specific locations or purchased from certain vendors
    • Creates valuable stamina-related potions[4]
  38. Powdered Mammoth Tusk

    • Primary effect: Fortify Sneak
    • Rare ingredient, crafted from mammoth tusks
    • Creates valuable sneaking potions[4]
  39. Taproot

    • Primary effect: Fortify Illusion
    • Looted from Spriggans
    • Used in valuable Illusion-related potions[1]
  40. Daedra Heart

    • Primary effect: Restore Health
    • Rare ingredient, found in Daedric ruins or purchased from certain vendors
    • Creates extremely valuable health potions[11]

These ingredients are ranked based on their potential to create high-value potions, their rarity, and their versatility in potion-making. Remember that combining these ingredients strategically can result in potions with multiple effects, further increasing their value and the experience gained from crafting them.

[1] Most Valuable Potions : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/zcigkz/most_valuable_potions/
[2] Skyrim: 15 Best Locations To Gather Alchemy Ingredients - Game Rant https://gamerant.com/skyrim-where-to-get-alchemy-ingredients/
[3] 8 Most Expensive Potions Available in Skyrim - Rarest.org https://rarest.org/entertainment/expensive-potions-in-skyrim
[4] Alchemy Ingredients and Effects - The Organized Gamer https://www.theorganizedgamer.com/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/alchemy-ingredients-and-effects/
[5] Most Valuable Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/most-valuable-potions.4985/
[6] Skyrim:Ingredients - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ingredients
[7] Skyrim: 14 Most Expensive Potions (And How To Make Them) https://gamerant.com/skyrim-most-expensive-valuable-potions-poisons-guide/
[8] Skyrim:Alchemy Effects - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alchemy_Effects
[9] SKYRIM - 10 Most EXPENSIVE Potions You Can Make In The Game ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srL_O9SzQbk
[10] Skyrim:Useful Potions - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Useful_Potions
[11] Alchemy Ingredients Effects Guide - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Alchemy_Ingredients_Effects_Guide
[12] How do I find out the additional 3 effects of ingredients? - Arqade https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/34982/how-do-i-find-out-the-additional-3-effects-of-ingredients
[13] Discover all Ingredient Effects by Brewing 56 Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/discover-all-ingredient-effects-by-brewing-56-potions.18638/

Based on the search results and authoritative sources, the most expensive potion in Skyrim Anniversary Edition is the Potion of Waterbreathing, which can be crafted using the following ingredients:

  1. Salmon Roe
  2. Nordic Barnacle
  3. Garlic

Here's where you can reliably find these ingredients:

Salmon Roe

  • Found in jumping salmon near waterfalls
  • Best locations:
    • The river flowing from Lake Ilinalta towards Whiterun
    • Waterfalls where salmon are jumping
  • Tip: Use the first word of Kyne's Peace or Unrelenting Force shout to stun the fish, making them easier to collect

Nordic Barnacle

  • Underwater locations:
    • Sunken ship in Lake Ilinalta (abundant source)
    • Orphan's Tear
    • Hela's Folly
    • Water below the entrance to Dragonsreach


  • Common in kitchens and inns throughout Skyrim
  • Best sources:
    • Thalmor Embassy (large quantity)
    • Basket in Boulderfall Cave

If Garlic is unavailable, alternative ingredients for the Waterbreathing effect include:

  • Chicken's Egg: Found in nests in most settlements
  • Hawk's Egg: Rare, not recommended due to scarcity
  • Nightshade: Grows in graveyards around Skyrim

Remember that ingredients respawn after 10 in-game days when you're away from the area. This potion can be crafted early in the game and sold for over 1,000 septims even at low Alchemy skill levels, making it an excellent choice for earning money quickly.

[1] Most Valuable Potions : r/skyrim - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/zcigkz/most_valuable_potions/
[2] 8 Most Expensive Potions Available in Skyrim - Rarest.org https://rarest.org/entertainment/expensive-potions-in-skyrim
[3] Most Valuable Potions - Skyrim Forums https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/most-valuable-potions.4985/
[4] SKYRIM - 10 Most EXPENSIVE Potions You Can Make In The Game ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srL_O9SzQbk
[5] Skyrim:Useful Potions - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Useful_Potions
[6] Skyrim: 14 Most Expensive Potions (And How To Make Them) https://gamerant.com/skyrim-most-expensive-valuable-potions-poisons-guide/
[7] Skyrim's Most Expensive Potion - Make Money From ... - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-BHRjV09AY

Here’s the revised top 30 potion recipes in TESV: Skyrim Anniversary Edition (including CC content), optimized for maximized efficacy, value, and minimal unwanted effects, with farmable ingredients (🌱) prioritized. Recipes are ranked by gold value, utility, and synergy with homestead farming strategies.

Top 30 Potions (Descending Order)

1. Waterbreathing

  • Ingredients: Salmon Roe + Nordic Barnacle + Garlic
  • Effects: Waterbreathing
  • Value: ~11,000+ gold
  • Notes: Requires CC Fishing for Salmon Roe farming. Garlic via CC Farming.

2. Fortify Carry Weight + Health

  • Ingredients: Giant’s Toe (🌱) + Wheat (🌱) + Creep Cluster (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Carry Weight + Fortify Health
  • Value: ~1,250+ gold

3. Fortify Carry Weight + Restore Magicka

  • Ingredients: Creep Cluster (🌱) + Scaly Pholiota (🌱) + Mora Tapinella (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Carry Weight + Restore Magicka
  • Value: ~1,500+ gold

4. Damage Health + Paralysis

  • Ingredients: Deathbell (🌱) + Imp Stool (🌱) + Canis Root (🌱)
  • Effects: Damage Health + Paralysis + Lingering Damage
  • Value: ~600+ gold

5. Invisibility + Regenerate Health

  • Ingredients: Luna Moth Wing + Vampire Dust
  • Effects: Invisibility + Regenerate Health
  • Value: ~1,200+ gold

6. Fortify Smithing

  • Ingredients: Blisterwort (🌱) + Glowing Mushroom (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Smithing
  • Value: ~500+ gold

7. Fortify Enchanting + Resist Fire

  • Ingredients: Snowberries (🌱) + CC Stoneflower Petal (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Enchanting + Resist Fire
  • Value: ~300+ gold

8. Restore Health + Fortify Health

  • Ingredients: Blue Mountain Flower (🌱) + Wheat (🌱)
  • Effects: Restore Health + Fortify Health
  • Value: ~120+ gold

9. Resist Magic + Fortify Illusion

  • Ingredients: Bleeding Crown (🌱) + Lavender (🌱) + Tundra Cotton (🌱)
  • Effects: Resist Magic + Fortify Illusion
  • Value: ~400+ gold

10. Paralysis + Lingering Damage

  • Ingredients: Canis Root (🌱) + Imp Stool (🌱)
  • Effects: Paralysis + Lingering Damage Health
  • Value: ~350+ gold

11. Fortify Restoration + Restore Stamina

  • Ingredients: Abecean Longfin (🌱 via CC Fishing) + Cyrodilic Spadetail (🌱 via CC Fishing)
  • Effects: Fortify Restoration + Restore Stamina
  • Value: ~250+ gold

12. Fortify Illusion + Resist Fire

  • Ingredients: Dragon’s Tongue (🌱) + Mora Tapinella (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Illusion + Resist Fire
  • Value: ~300+ gold

13. Regenerate Magicka + Restore Magicka

  • Ingredients: Jazbay Grapes (🌱) + Moon Sugar (CC Rare Curios)
  • Effects: Regenerate Magicka + Restore Magicka
  • Value: ~200+ gold

14. Resist Fire + Fortify Two-Handed

  • Ingredients: Dragon’s Tongue (🌱) + Fly Amanita (🌱)
  • Effects: Resist Fire + Fortify Two-Handed
  • Value: ~150+ gold

15. Cure Disease + Resist Poison

  • Ingredients: Garlic (CC 🌱) + Mudcrab Chitin (CC 🌱 via Fishing)
  • Effects: Cure Disease + Resist Poison
  • Value: ~80+ gold

16. Fortify Marksman + Resist Frost

  • Ingredients: Canis Root (🌱) + Elves Ear (apothecaries)
  • Effects: Fortify Marksman + Resist Frost
  • Value: ~200+ gold

17. Restore Stamina + Fortify Stamina

  • Ingredients: Bee (🌱 apiary) + Honeycomb (🌱 apiary)
  • Effects: Restore Stamina + Fortify Stamina
  • Value: ~50+ gold

18. Fortify Sneak + Resist Frost

  • Ingredients: Frost Mirriam (CC Rare Curios) + Purple Mountain Flower (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Sneak + Resist Frost
  • Value: ~180+ gold

19. Fortify Alchemy + Enchanting

  • Ingredients: CC Dreugh Wax (CC Rare Curios) + CC Stoneflower Petal (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Alchemy + Fortify Enchanting
  • Value: ~400+ gold

20. Fortify Conjuration + Restore Magicka

  • Ingredients: Hagraven Claw (loot) + Blue Butterfly Wing (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Conjuration + Restore Magicka
  • Value: ~220+ gold

21. Resist Frost + Fortify Heavy Armor

  • Ingredients: Snowberries (🌱) + Thistle Branch (🌱)
  • Effects: Resist Frost + Fortify Heavy Armor
  • Value: ~150+ gold

22. Fortify Health + Stamina

  • Ingredients: Bear Claws (loot) + Hanging Moss (🌱 near Solitude)
  • Effects: Fortify Health + Fortify Stamina
  • Value: ~130+ gold

23. Fortify Block + Resist Shock

  • Ingredients: Briar Heart (loot) + Honeycomb (🌱 apiary)
  • Effects: Fortify Block + Resist Shock
  • Value: ~160+ gold

24. Fortify Light Armor + Stamina

  • Ingredients: Sabre Cat Tooth (loot) + Skeever Tail (loot)
  • Effects: Fortify Light Armor + Restore Stamina
  • Value: ~90+ gold

25. Resist Poison + Fortify Marksman

  • Ingredients: Deathbell (🌱) + Mudcrab Chitin (CC 🌱)
  • Effects: Resist Poison + Fortify Marksman
  • Value: ~170+ gold

26. Resist Shock + Fortify Magicka

  • Ingredients: Glow Dust (loot) + Snowberries (🌱)
  • Effects: Resist Shock + Fortify Magicka
  • Value: ~140+ gold

27. Fortify Destruction + Magicka

  • Ingredients: Nightshade (🌱) + Glowing Mushroom (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Destruction + Restore Magicka
  • Value: ~110+ gold

28. Fortify Heavy Armor + Health

  • Ingredients: Ice Wraith Teeth (loot) + Purple Mountain Flower (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Heavy Armor + Restore Health
  • Value: ~120+ gold

29. Fortify One-Handed + Resist Frost

  • Ingredients: Canis Root (🌱) + Hanging Moss (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify One-Handed + Resist Frost
  • Value: ~200+ gold

30. Fortify Two-Handed + Stamina

  • Ingredients: Fly Amanita (🌱) + Dragon’s Tongue (🌱)
  • Effects: Fortify Two-Handed + Restore Stamina
  • Value: ~150+ gold

Key Insights

  1. Gold Farming: Prioritize Fortify Carry Weight (Creep Cluster + Giant’s Toe) and Waterbreathing (Salmon Roe).
  2. Combat Utility: Damage Health + Paralysis (Deathbell/Imp Stool) and Resist Fire (Dragon’s Tongue) are essential.
  3. CC Dependency: Use CC Farming and Rare Curios for Stoneflower Petal, Ironwood Nut, and Dreugh Wax.
  4. Self-Sufficiency: Goldenhills Plantation should focus on Creep Cluster, Scaly Pholiota, and Mora Tapinella.

Maximizing Value

  • Pair with Fortify Alchemy gear (e.g., 4x 32% enchanted gear) and Benefactor/Green Thumb perks.
  • Use Fortify Restoration loop (Abecean Longfin + Cyrodilic Spadetail) to amplify potion strength.

This list balances profitability, utility, and minimal side effects while adhering to farmable ingredients and homestead strategies.

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