My Comment to Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Opposing the Hiring of Dr. Sundari Mase as SoCo PHO

My name is REDACTED and I am commenting on Item 21, regarding the permanent retention of Dr. Sundari Mase as Public Health Officer.

I am a resident of Guerneville, a father, and a husband. I have lived in Sonoma County since 1985, have worked for Santa Rosa Junior College for nearly 25 years, and have two children in the public school system.

I am writing to strongly urge the immediate termination of Dr. Mase, and if it were in my power to arrest and imprison her for Crimes Against Humanity for her reckless mismanagement of the Covid-19 public health “emergency” I would do so. If she is not to be fired immediately, she should be kept in her interim position until a qualified SONOMA COUNTY resident who actually cares about our community can be found. In addition, there should be a citizen-appointed & citizen-led committee of multiple viewpoints and professions, including health and medical professionals, to be sure that our health officer is held accountable for her decisions by the public. The covid emergency did not allow us to go through a reasonable process for appointing the public health officer & that needs to be remedied immediately.

Dr. Mase used $50,000 of our taxpayer money to pay the Imperial College of London for Covid-19 modeling data. This was at a time when there were already serious questions about the now widely-discredited modeling which was the basis for worldwide shutdowns and the economic & social consequences that we are only just now starting to see in the forms of dramatic rises in suicide, domestic violence, homelessness, and shuttered small businesses.

Dr. Mase’s updates are woefully inadequate to her grandiose $263,000 salary- she reads a 5min PowerPoint in a cold and emotionally-disconnected manner, without any sense of responsibility for or connection to the countless thousands of lives she is plunging into misery. All she ever does is recite the latest total case numbers, without providing any context or talking about numbers that really matter, like the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR). IFR is the total number of fatalities for those infected, as opposed to the Case Fatality Rate (total number of case deaths, with a "case" being someone sick enough to seek treatment). I believe the latest IFR according to CDC was 0.26% for the entire population. When you remove the very old and medically vulnerable population, the IFR for the remaining healthy population is something like 0.002%. That means a Covid-19 survival rate of 99.84% to 99.998%. This is approximately on-par with a bad flu season. Will we restart this same climate of terror & paranoia, social isolation, & economic destruction every flu season, from now on?

I will NOT be sending my children into a psychologically damaging and physically unhealthy school environment, if mask-wearing & social distancing is required, as our school has indicated it will be. And speaking of our children’s school, they tell us they have received NO clear guidance or rules in this regard, only vague suggestions that they feel compelled to follow or risk the wrath of more paranoid parents and the funding they need to survive. I know MANY parents who are starting to seriously look into home school or even moving out of State (which highlights a serious issue of inequity since no doubt countless more would consider doing so if they were financially able to. Are you prepared for the further funding shortfalls this would lead to?

I will NOT submit to mandatory testing, tracking, vaccination, or any other violation of my constitutional rights and bodily sovereignty, and I will not wear an unhealthy mask in my workplace, when the W.H.O. and plenty of science says that it is ineffective, unnecessary, unhealthy & unsafe. They are also a blatant violation of HIPAA, and I will be fighting these mandates through my union, if they come down.

For your reference: OSHA discussed extensively its rationale for requiring that employees breathe air consisting of at least 19.5 percent oxygen. The following excerpt, taken from the preamble, explains the basis for this requirement:

Human beings must breathe oxygen . . . to survive, and begin to suffer adverse health effects when the oxygen level of their breathing air drops below [19.5 percent oxygen]. Below 19.5 percent oxygen . . . , air is considered oxygen-deficient. At concentrations of 16 to 19.5 percent, workers engaged in any form of exertion can rapidly become symptomatic as their tissues fail to obtain the oxygen necessary to function properly (Rom, W., Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2nd ed.; Little, Brown; Boston, 1992). Increased breathing rates, accelerated heartbeat, and impaired thinking or coordination occur more quickly in an oxygen-deficient environment. Even a momentary loss of coordination may be devastating to a worker if it occurs while the worker is performing a potentially dangerous activity, such as climbing a ladder. Concentrations of 12 to 16 percent oxygen cause tachypnea (increased breathing rates), tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat), and impaired attention, thinking, and coordination (e.g., Ex. 25-4), even in people who are resting.

At oxygen levels of 10 to 14 percent, faulty judgment, intermittent respiration, and exhaustion can be expected even with minimal exertion (Exs. 25-4 and 150). Breathing air containing 6 to 10 percent oxygen results in nausea, vomiting, lethargic movements, and perhaps unconsciousness

In summary, you have all been recklessly misled by Dr. Mase, to the great harm of the residents who elected you. You can begin correcting this incredibly grave & tragic error by firing her immediately.

In closing, I will add a list of questions compiled by a friend that you had better be seriously considering:

  1. What is the legal definition of a local health emergency?

  2. When is this local health emergency set to expire?

  3. What is your governing authority in overseeing these health orders?

  4. Where is the reputable medical science and evidence that supports healthy people wearing masks?

  5. Why are you breaking state, federal and local laws by allowing the continuance of this local health emergency, which violated state law?

  6. What evidence (as required by state law) have the health officers submitted to you that supports their orders?

  7. Would you share with me the actual science (not links to the CDC or State Health Board) you have received regarding the efficacy of healthy people wearing masks?

  8. Why are you breaking the law by allowing a local health emergency to continue when there are no grounds to do so?

  9. Would you explain how my religious beliefs protect me (or not) from having to wear a mask?

  10. Can you tell me why you support my being harassed in places of business, when our state civil code protects me from discrimination based on my medical condition, and allows for my "free and equal" access to all business establishments of any kind, whatsoever?

  11. [For the city councils or board of supervisors]: Why have you given away your authority by allowing the health officers to defy your requests for information?

  12. Why do you continue to put the electorate at extreme peril of health risks, as testified by countless licensed physicians, associated with wearing masks?

  13. Are you prepared for legal action (and the costs associated with it ) for your unlawful actions by not terminating the local health emergency, as required by law?

  14. Why do you condone discrimination against those with medical conditions, who cannot hear people who are wearing a mask?

  15. Why do you condone and support the masking of the public, going against all evidence presented to you by competent medical doctors and mental health professionals, who testify of the psychological and physical trauma this masks create?

  16. How much money is your body/agency receiving from the state and federal government in emergency aid?

  17. When and where do you personally wear a mask, and is it a sterile and hygienic mask that is kept clean and disposed of between each interaction, and put on and removed after washing your hands, according to CDC guidelines?

  18. Are you prepared to face legal action and criminal charges for being an accessory to intimidation and assault by promoting the documented health-harming results of wearing a mask?


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