redpillrev Jill writes:
September 29, 2022•268 words
"1) Your risk of dying from coronavirus is extremely low. According to Scott Atlas, MD, Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, most people—the vast majority—are not at risk from dying from coronavirus. This is based on research coming out of Stanford and it’s good news. Death from coronavirus is most likely only .1 to .2 percent, much lower than predicted, as Atlas explains in an excellent op-ed in The Hill.
2) Our denominators are most likely wrong. As hard as policymakers are working to collect data, we simply do not have accurate statistics about coronavirus. It looks like, contrary to early predictions, most people who get it will have mild cases or even be asymptomatic. This study from China revealed that 94% of children were asymptomatic or had very mild symptoms. Another recent study has shown that an asymptomatic carrier who was in contact with 455 other people spread the virus to no one.
While fear-mongering media outlets may use these facts to assert that the virus is “dangerous,” the opposite is true. If most people show no symptoms, that means this is a mild virus for most people! If a person with no symptoms came into contact with 455 others and not a single one got the virus, that means this virus may have an extremely low level of contagion among healthy people.
Drumming up fear of asymptomatic carriers sounds a lot to me like vilifying healthy children for not being vaccinated. It’s convenient to sell fear, pharmaceutical stocks, and link clicks. But it’s completely irrational. Junk thinking at its best.
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