Day #16*

As I've previously written about, the desire to move away from the travel lifestyle and back into a home is growing for me.

We've lived in our caravan for 18 months, and I'm increasingly seeing little signs that I think we will soon be keen to make the move.

For me, the space isn't the issue. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a little bit more room and the ability to have a home gym set up somewhere - but more so I believe the girls, especially my 4 yr old, needs the stability of a house and community and the constant of kids of her own age. Travelling can be difficult to make friends for little ones - sometimes its awesome and there are families and kids everywhere, but other times it can be quite lonely.

The desire to engrain ourselves into a local community is growing - something that to be honest, I did not think would be the pull for me to want to stop travelling. But its funny the things that you start to value once you lose them.

See you tomorrow.



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