Day 23

I kept yesterday very brief.

Some days I get to the end of the day and I honestly don't have anything in my mind that I feel is worth putting down. Or I honestly just want to go to bed so I can start reading (especially if I am really into the book I am reading).

So last night was a simple message - 'Stay humble, stack sats'.

If you're a bitcoiner, you may have some idea what this means.

If you're not a bitcoiner, then I recommend you remove any negative bias you may have towards bitcoin, because time is ticking - and my thought is that one way or another, you will become a bitcoiner over the next decade. It's just whether you decide for yourself that bitcoin is worth exploring, or it is literally shoved down your throat when bitcoin is over $1million+ per coin and it forms an important function within the global monetary system.

You chose. But not many people take a deep dive down the bitcoin rabbit hole and decide that it isn't for them. I fell down and realised how wrong I viewed the entire monetary system (or rather how little notice I actually took of it).

For me now, it's a really simple equation.

Cash = depreciates in value over time
bitcoin = appreciates in value over time

Choose what you want to hold wisely.

See you tomorrow.



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