A timeline like home.
January 13, 2025•199 words
My use of social media has been on and off over the years. It's taken a very long time and many instances of having an online presence to understand how to use social media in a joyful way. Inner work around how I experience others and their experience of me has helped get me here.
Think I've got it now. Social media is a space for meaningful connections rather than a broadcasting platform or receiving station. Oh you don't say! Yeah I know. We're all different though. I'm quicker with some things than others.
So I'm being selective. Taking my time. Remembering the Erykha Badu lyric, "See, I picks my friends like I pick my fruit". Following people I'd be pleased to spend time with. Listening to. Speaking with. People I find interesting, amusing, entertaining. People to learn from. People who give back to others. I am making efforts to be that kind of person myself.
I'm loving the home time line in Mastodon. Mine is in construction. I'm treating the place like I do my home. Following, or to put it another way, inviting people round with intention. When I follow you it's with all this in mind.