New shoes and panties
March 16, 2016•182 words
Nah not really but that's the first thing that came into my head when thinking about a title for this post. Gawd bless Mr Dury. New bags and frame sack doesn't have the same ring to it.
I splashed out and bought myself a Carradice saddle bag and handlebar bag. The frame sack is made by Restrap. All handmade in England for what it's worth. Ten kilos / 23 litres in the back; seven kilos / five litres up front. As much as I can stuff in the middle. That's close to the forty litres capacity of the two Ortileb backrollers I had on my old bike. This one has no braze ons to fix a rack to hence the splurge. There are rack solutions but I fancied something different plus I like the look of back-end clear of a rack and panniers. First impressions are good. No significant difference in the handling or effort required when loaded up. I'm looking forward to some pedal powered nights out under the stars this year.