Snippets to help format Listed posts in the markdown editor

Nothing that can't quickly be found out elsewhere. May save you the bother. They might not reflect best practice.

Post dated

created_at: 2007-08-20 20:29:05

The above must be placed at the very top of the note to work as intended.

Center align image

<img style="display:block;margin:auto" src="IMAGE_URL_HERE">

Center align and make the image clickable and link to a webpage

<a href="PAGE_URL_HERE" target="_blank">
    <img style="display:block;margin:auto" src="IMAGE_URL_HERE">

Center align image and justify caption beneath

<figure style="text-align: center">
  <img style="display:block;margin:auto" src="IMAGE_URL_HERE">
  <figcaption>Your caption text here</figcaption>

Not the black dog you might take pills for.

Center align and resize iframe embed code to 800 x 450

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
    <iframe width="800" height="450" REST_OF_THE_EMBED_CODE></iframe>

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