March 26, 2007•375 words
I came across BzzAgent today. It' s a sign up to web service that enables you to get in on early releases and freebies from companies looking at alternative ways to raise a "Bzz" about their products. BzzAgent is just in England though it's been going for a while in North America.
The story goes that conventional means of advertising products is coming to the end of its shelf life. We are all now too long in the tooth to be taken in by the promises and suggestions as seen on TV, heard on the radio and plastered over any printable space thats selling itself for the purpose.
The golden egg of advertising is word of mouth. It's free, unsolicited and unlike most advertising, people trust it. Bzz is about making the most of WOM and I suppose providing an impetus for it. The idea is that you get sent stuff for free or at a discount. You use it. You tell other people about your experience - good, bad or indifferent. There is no selling - you are given nothing to sell. You just have to mention whatever products you happen to be having a go of via Bzz "campaigns" and then provide a bit of written feedback to Bzz via the website explaining what you did or if you like what you did to "Bzz" the product.
There is no expectation that you try and sly it into the conversation or any other such underhand techniques. Rather in fact you are expected to mention why you are mentioning it i.e. the that your a BzzAgent and so on. Honesty and transparency are values which are promoted.
The more active you are the more chances you get to sign up for other stuff to take part in and get sent stuff. If your not active that's fine it's just that if you don't participate and Bzz about stuff your not going to get very much in the post! I still get excited about waiting to see what the postman has brought which is why I suppose this has grabbed my attention.
Not sure how well I'm going to do but seeming as there is free stuff on offer think I'll give it a go.