Checking in

Things have been happening just not with the blog.

  • Elijah had a birthday - he was two years old this week. Oscar lost two front teeth. Otis is a champion reader. They are growing up very quickly.
  • Got a couple of conversion lenses. Not very good quality - lots of distortion and blur around the edges. They were cheap so to expect much more would have been silly.
  • The degree continues. On the home stretch for stage one with final assignments and exams before and after Easter. Grades remain middling to good. Still leaving everything to the last minute.
  • I got distracted from learning how to design a word press blog at about lesson seven. Shall go back to it perhaps when I'm not so busy.
  • Work is quite strange. Preparing for a big organisational change and caught between the winding down and gearing up. Spending a lot more time working at home so all the obvious distractions are in full force.
  • The house move is going on in the background. I had hoped to move before April though that seems very unlikely now. Not really fussed after that. It's just up the road and where we are is fine till we move.

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