It's good to journal

It's good to journal. Often I don't feel like it or want to. It does though feel good whenever I do and something I never regret. Like exercising, getting stuff done or pretty much anything I suppose that's good for me.

There is benefit to be had by reading through yesterdays journal or the last one I wrote. It serves as a reminder to me as to what was on my mind and of any insights gained and intentions made. It's also good to look back over the weeks, months and years from time to time. Repeating themes are all too evident though I'm pleased to see some progress scattered about no matter how slow. I am very much a work in progress.

I journal much more than I post on Listed. I do not make much of an effort to be annoymous. I'm happy enough in thinking it's unlikely that anyone who knows me will stumble upon me here. If they do, well, no worries to me. It may give us more to talk about. I keep my private thoughts to my private journals mostly to protect the innocent!

Not sure what benefit I see in posting to Listed. I'm settling on a couple of things. There is a bit about putting myself on display. A mild case of exhibitionism I suppose. I also enjoy the process of posting, standing back and looking at whatever it is that I produce. I do that with other things as well. Report writing and DIY projects take me ages for just that reason. Time spent admiring and feeling pleased with my work. Probably a bit too much time. I know! I would do well to get over it.

Reading other people's posts is interesting. Seeing how people go about writing and using Listed. Existential ponderings and writing to learn seem to be most common. A bit of proselytizing often comes up as does writing about preferred tech. A fair few attempts at the 100 days challenge. Most of those seem to fizzle out or typically turn into posting to keep the streak going. It often seems to be nothing more than a chore.

I shall keep doing what I am doing. Working on a few personal projects right now. This month I've been inspired by a few books I am happy to recommend. All I think are well known. In mind they compliment each other well. I shall list them here in the order I have read them.

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Indestractable by Nir Eyal
  • Hooked: How to create habit forming products by Nir Eyal. I have not finished this book. Not got over judging Nye harshly for peddling the poison and then the cure!
  • The Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - And the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Harri
  • Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs by Johann Harri. Followed this up by watching the film, The United States v Billie Holiday. The film was inspired by this book.

If you decide to read any of them do the world a favour and get them some other place than Amazon. It's a bit like wearing a face mask or not littering. Individual action can and does make a difference.

Enjoy your day and the week ahead.

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