Geocache Log: Earls Seat

Aimlessly passing time in front of the computer on Christmas Eve had me thinking back to this little adventure I had geocaching a few years ago...

29 May 2012: Yay I made it. Bit of an adventure. Came up from near Killearn. As far as the farm track takes you and then a bit more. Got within 1.5 miles on my bike. I left it on a hill with a note saying I'd nipped up to Earls Seat before walking to GZ. Got there within 15 minutes. Took photos, signed a bit of card next to other remains of earlier caches.

Mist came down, weather turned and rendered phone GPS ineffective. The walk back to my bike started well following tracks. Looking back on my mapped route I came with 150m of where I left my bike. Ended up back at GZ having walked a circular route of about 45 mins. Resolved I set out again along the same tracks with a deviation to the left. An hour or so and I'm still trudging. Getting late and phone battery going. I made the decision to follow a stream (later discovered this was Ballagan Burn) down hill and come back for my bike the next day or so. By the time I got to the bottom it was around 10pm. I was now in Strathblane. Just over seven miles from the spot I'd left my bike. Missed the last bus back to Glasgow and had left my wallet in the panniers on my bike.

Started the long walk home. After twenty minutes of thumbing it I got a lift all the way back to central Glasgow where I was staying the night. Few phone calls and the next day I make a plan for the bikes retrieval. Returned the next morning on the first bus, retrace my steps and elation as I catch the first glance of my bike. Exactly where I left it 36 hours earlier.

On the way up...
Following the route up from the A875 near Branziert Road in Killearn.

End of the track
My bike at the end of the farm track that leads up from the A875 near Killearn.

Gonna have to wait here for me to come back...
As far as I got with my bike. GZ was about 15 minutes walk from this point.

Cache contents
The container had been destroyed. These artifacts were the remains of its contents. Lots of broken pencils and other bits and pieces near by.

Earls Seat | Trig Point

First glance on my return

The route to the top and losing my bearings.

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