Not everyone cares though

Everyday it's the same outside the kids school. Cars parked up lining both sides of the road. On the side you can't see here, drivers park their cars half on the road and half on the pavement. This makes it a bit of a squeeze to pass by. If you have a chair or a buggy forget about it.

Throughout the winter many of the drivers sit in their cars smoking fags with their engines running as they wait for their precious ones' to come out of school. I guess now the weather is warming up a bit they might fancy having a fag on the pavement. It's not as if they are trying to hide their behaviour from the kids as some kind of nod to positive role modelling.

I curse them all. Especially those in big 4x4 vehicles just for mummy/daddy and the little one.

It's not even as if the school has not done their bit to provide parents with alternative choices. Walking buses for one. Mind you that does require a little effort. A commodity which many of these parents seem to lack. There is no need to park here even if they choose to drive. A local store not more than a 1/4 of a mile away has given parents at the school permission to park in their car park so as to encourage a little exercise and reduce the risk inherent in having dozens of cars jamming up the narrow road outside the school.

As for the council traffic wardens? They are worse than useless. Only too quick to slap a ticket on a car parked safely at 8am on a Sunday morning for the heinous crime of failing to display a visitors permit. Showing up outside a school to contribute their bit to children's safety? Fat chance.

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