I Love Scandinavia

🇩🇰🇳🇴🇸🇪🇫🇮🇮🇸 I love Scandinavian design, and I love Scandinavian culture. I'm excited to meet and work with Scandinavian designers. I'm also looking for new Scandinavian furniture for my new Scandinavian house in my new Scandinavian homeland. I always mix business with pleasure. xo

How can you not love Finland and Sweden? They are two of the most beautiful countries in the world – happy, healthy, and wealthy. They respect human rights, and they're also so kind-hearted. Both countries are sending millions in humanitarian aid to help Turkey after the devastating earthquake, even though the Turkish President is rude and crude and has not been very nice. They are exactly the kind of allies we are looking for - liberal, conscientious, freedom-loving, democracies.

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