Are You Mad?

๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Don't hate me because my words are more interesting and more powerful than yours.

Don't hate me because my art is also more interesting and powerful than yours and sells at higher prices than yours.

Don't hate me because my ideas are cooler than yours, and people areound the world are eager to meet me and work with me rather than you.

Don't hate me because I am more sophisticated than you are.

Don't hate me because I have better taste than you do.

Don't hate me because my girlfriend is more beautiful than yours.

Don't hate me because your boyfriend or husband is obsessed with me even though I am a gay woman.

Don't hate me because I look better at my worst than you do at your best.

Don't hate me because I make more money than you do.

Don't hate me because my homes are bigger than yours.

Don't hate me because I am happy. I will continue to be happy whether you like it or not.

I will continue to write whatever I want whenever I want whether you like it or not.

You, however, will go to prison for stalking and harassing me, and for interfering with my business and personal affairs. I can't wait to send you there.


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