Nuclear Power is a Requirement for Energy Security

๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ Renewables like solar and wind are intermittent energy sources. They must be complemented with dispatchable energy sources like nuclear. xo

According to the US Energy Department:

  1. Nuclear is a zero-emission clean energy source.
  2. Nuclear energyโ€™s land footprint is small.
  3. Nuclear fuel is extremely dense, and the waste can be reprocessed and recycled.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA):

"Nuclear power has historically been one of the largest global contributors of carbon-free electricity and while it faces significant challenges in some countries, it has significant potential to contribute to power sector decarbonisation."

"Nuclear power plants contribute to electricity security in multiple ways by keeping power grids stable and complementing decarbonisation strategies since, to a certain extent, they can adjust their output to accompany demand and supply shifts. As the share of variable renewables like wind and solar photovoltaics (PV) rises, the need for such services will increase."

"While wind and solar PV are expected to lead the push to replace fossil fuels, they need to be complemented by dispatchable resources. As todayโ€™s second largest source of low emissions power after hydropower, and with its dispatchability and growth potential, nuclear โ€“ in countries where it is accepted โ€“ can help ensure secure, diverse low emissions electricity systems."

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