My Web Domains Have Been Stolen From Me

⚠️ I noted back in February that I had been locked out of my Google account, and that I believed rogue Google employees were behind it. My domains were registered with Google Domains, and now they have been stolen from me. I have contacted the FBI. I also intend to sue Google for the breach of contract and the loss of my domains. Since the malicious individuals have control of my domains, they also have control of my emails. So please note that any emails using my namesake domain are not from me any longer, and please do not attempt to contact me using those emails. First they suspended my social media account on Twitter, and now they have hijacked my web domains. These malicious individuals are obviously trying to silence me and damage my reputation. Who knows what other malicious intentions they may have. I will find out who they are, and they will go to prison where they belong.


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