US-Turkey Relations

🇺🇸🇹🇷 I agree with U.S. Admiral James Stavridis. Turkey will have to fall in line with NATO if they want to remain a NATO member. The USA will not defend countries that adhere to our adversaries like Russia and Iran. Turkey has proven to be a major problem for the alliance by blocking Sweden's NATO membership, and by helping Russia bypass our sanctions. These are just a few of the issues among many other long outstanding issues we already had with Turkey. Turkey has made some positive steps forward such as improving relations with Greece, but more needs to be done.

I know Turkey has the second largest army in the alliance, and they love to remind everyone of that, but that doesn't mean much to us when they are jeopardizing our collective security with bad decisions that benefit our adversaries. The US army eclipses Turkey's by a long shot and in the coming new age of robotic armies, the number of men you contribute to an alliance isn't very relevant. It's the size of your economy that will determine your relevance to the alliance in the future. Turkey has one of the smallest economies in the alliance. xo

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