State and Local Taxes (SALT)

🇺🇸 All citizens of the United Staes of America will pay the same amount of federal taxes regardless of what state they live in. We'll take it to the Supreme Court if necessary.

If Americans want relief from the burden of their state and local taxes, Americans have two options available to them. They can either elect new state and local officials that will lower their unbearable state and local tax rates, or they can move to another state that already has more reasonable state and local tax rates.

We will not allow states to essentially steal from the federal coffers. Taxpayers need to understand that certain policies have a huge price tag, and if they vote for those policies, those costs will come out of their paycheck, rather than come out of the federal coffers or be added to the national debt. They must understand the costs associated with the policies they are voting for.

We propose new legislation that requires all policy proposals at the state and local levels to include a price tag so that taxpayers understand how much those policies cost before they vote for them, specifically they need to know how much those policies will cost them personally.


"If lawmakers acquiesce to the demands of the SALT Caucus and use the federal tax code to bail out bad state tax decisions, it will represent a failure of sound tax policy."

Quote taken from Fortune:

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