US National Security

🇺🇸 If the Speaker of the House refuses to vote on the national security supplement, then he is a serious threat to US national security. I think we need to either force a vote in the House via a discharge position or we need to remove the Speaker from his job. His stance makes absolutely no sense. He is jeopardizing US foreign policy.

McCaul has admitted that members of his Republican Party are heavily influenced by Russian propaganda. Spreading Russian propaganda is equivalent to being a foreign agent. So McCaul has admitted that many members of his party are serving Russia, not the USA. That is an extremely serious threat to our nation and the American people.

We expect the US government to do more about it immediately. We want Russia designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. We want Vladimir Putin added to the USA's kill list or the Disposition Matrix, because he's a serious threat to the USA and an enemy of the state. We want all Russian businesses shut down. We want all Russians deported. We want the CIA to have a talk with US politicians that are influenced by Russian propaganda. Either politicians learn how to differentiate between Russian propaganda and the truth or they are not intelligent enough to be US politicians and serve the American people. Anyone espousing Russian propaganda is serving Russia, not the American people. It's a criminal offense to spread the propaganda of our enemies. We expect them to be charged for the offense, and therefore, lose their right to hold a public office in the USA.

I'm scared to death right now for Ukraine, and for the rest of Europe. For the past several years both Democrats and Republicans were on the same page and we were working together to fight against authoritarian regimes, and I was extremely proud of the USA for that. Suddenly we have Russian stooges infiltrating the Republican Party, the highest ranks of the party, sabotaging our bipartisan foreign policy agenda, and jeopardizing our national security. I find that extremely alarming.


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