The USA Loves Ukraine

🇺🇦 I met a Russian lady in New York City the other day. I said, "It's an honor to meet a Ukrainian!" I always say that to Russians I meet to see how they will react. She didn't react well. So I said, "Americans love Ukraine. We're so impressed by their commitment to freedom and self-determination." Then I asked if she had children in the USA. She said she did. So I asked her how she will feel if they are conscripted into the US military to fight the Russians and liberate Ukraine. She didn't look pleased. So I said, "Ukraine is doing a great job on their own, but we might have to go over there and give them a hand if Russia doesn't end their war soon. We hate getting involved in wars in Europe, but we always do the right thing in the end." Then I walked away from her. xo

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