Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

🇮🇱🇵🇸 We do not support any proposal that would allow Hamas to remain in control of the Gaza Strip. We wish for Hamas, especially the leaders of Hamas, to be defeated. We expect these disgusting, scumbag terrorists to be hunted down and put to death for the heinous crimes that they have committed against Israelis and Americans. If Biden does not accomplish that objective, then millions of Americans will not be voting for him. It's as simple as that.

We don't approve of the way Netanyahu has handled the war against Hamas, but we also don't approve of the way Biden has pushed all responsibility for the war onto Netanyahu and Israel. Biden has refused to take charge of the situation and ensure that American objectives are met. We have provided several solutions and strategies on how to carry out such a war to ensure that Hamas is permanently removed from power, to maintain order and security in the Gaza Strip, and ensure that innocent people were not harmed in the process. However, Biden wanted to wash his hands of all responsibility, and instead allowed a hot-headed Netanyahu to make all of the decisions, and in turn, huge mistakes. Biden has failed at all of the USA's objectives thus far.

We know that it is possible to both defeat terrorists like Hamas, and protect the lives of innocent civilians. We expect no less than that from American leadership. Any other outcome to this conflict is evidence of our leadership's incompetence.


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