Zero Tolerance for Terrorism

🇺🇸 We have zero tolerance for terrorism. We will propose new legislation that requires each and every terrorist involved in a terrorist attack that results in the death, torture, or abduction of an American to be placed on the US kill list aka the Disposition Matrix regardless of whether or not that terrorist attack was carried out on US soil. If you commit a terrorist attack against Americans, you are an enemy of the United States. Under no circumstances will a terrorist be allowed to go free after committing such a heinous crime against Americans. Terrorism is the most heinous violation of an individual's human rights, and we refuse to allow this kind of grotesque behavior to become normalized or considered justifiable in any way. The government's job is to protect the human rights and civil liberties of their citizens. They have a responsibility to protect (R2P) their citizens. We expect human rights to always come first. That's our guiding principle.

We are not going to tolerate terrorism. xo

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