The USA Loves Israel

🇮🇱 The reasoning in this article is severely flawed. The majority of Americans support Israel, and the majority of Americans want Hamas defeated. If President Biden were to significantly change his Israel policy, many Centrists and Independents in the USA would start looking at Trump as a serious contender for reelection, and start entertaining the idea of a second Trump presidency.

Even Europeans are not as pro-Palestine and anti-Israel as the Socialists would like the world to believe. The two greatest pro-Israel leaders in the EU are the only two leaders that will be keeping their jobs - Ursula von der Leyen and Roberta Metsola, both of whom are from the EPP, the biggest winner in the EU election. It's funny because they were both harshly criticized at the time by the Socialists for traveling to Israel and showing their support for Israel, but they are the only ones that will still be working for the European people after this election. The Socialists are still the second biggest party in the EU, but they lost seats in the EU Parliament. The two most vocal anti-Israel MEPS, the two Irish Socialist MEPS, have lost their jobs, thankfully. And the European Centrists, the Liberals, who were reluctant to show any support for Israel took the worst beating of all in the EU election, especially in France, where the vote did not swing to the far-left, pro-Palestine, anti-Israel parties, but to the far-right, anti-Muslim, pro-Judeo-Christian parties, and that is despite the fact that France has the largest Muslim population in all of Europe. It appears the French Muslims are voting for the far-left welfare state that will destroy France, and the rest of the French population are voting for the far-right party, who promises to deport all of the French Muslims. I think if the French Liberals want to stay in power, and I hope they do, they will have to acknowledge what the French people want. Germany, on the other hand, has been very supportive of Israel, but the most anti-Muslim party, the far-right AfD party, still beat the Socialists. While the Conservative Party that Ursula von der Leyen is from, is the biggest winner of all, and they will likely lead Germany again soon.

I believe President Biden's latest strategy is to corner Hamas into accepting his ceasefire proposal, or at least make it clear to the world that Hamas is the one refusing the ceasefire deal by making absurd demands, not Israel. As long as Biden's proposal ensures Hamas' defeat, I think it is a brilliant strategy. I'm not in President Biden's inner circle, so I don't know for sure what his strategy is, and I also don't know the terms of the ceasefire proposal so I can not verify whether it is a good deal or not.

Americans expect President Biden to defeat any and all terrorists, especially when there are Americans involved in their acts of aggression. If he comes off as incapable of doing that, then Americans will consider him weak, and start taking Trump more seriously. This is why we have always proposed that the USA should be more involved. We proposed creating an international military force to maintain control of Gaza, to prevent chaos in the territory, to prevent Hamas or other terrorist groups from regaining control of the territory, to prevent the war from being prolonged, and to prevent the suffering of innocent Palestinians from being prolonged. We put together a strategy that would prevent all of these things from happening, and we are disappointed that the US administration did not follow that strategy, and that the strategy they have followed is not meeting any of our objectives.

American Liberals will expect the US administration to stand with Israel, despite the fact that it is currently lead by a far-right government, just as our European allies did not abandon the USA when the USA was lead by a far-right government. Democratic allies do not abandon each other over domestic politics. Americans do know that Netanyahu is uncooperative, and that he is extremely difficult to work with. Americans will not judge the president for criticizing Netanyahu, in fact I think many Americans like hearing him criticize Netanyahu, but they will judge him harshly if he abandons Israel or allows Hamas to remain in power. I don't believe the majority of Americans want to see the US president being confrontational with Israel. It's a very fine line - he needs to be careful on how he manages the US-Israel relationship. I think Senator Schumer set a good example for the president on how to manage the US-Israel relationship and the right tone for confronting Netanyahu. Perhaps the president should consult with Senator Schumer on this issue. Americans do want to hear what Netanyahu has to say, and Senator Schumer was right to invite him to address Congress. In fact, we wish we could hear what he has to say sooner. We would like to know what his reasoning is.

Any democratic leader that is truly pro-democracy, should support the only democracy in the Middle East, our democratic ally, Israel, rather than a gang of terrorists. American Liberals expect the US administration to flip the script and stop allowing this gang of terrorists to control the narrative on the conflict. These terrorists have absolutely no interest in democracy, they have no interest in the human rights of their own people, the Palestinians, and they certainly do not have any interest in the human rights of anyone else in the entire world. All they want is power. We will not be giving them any.


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