Dear King Charles

๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง I'm very disappointed to hear Keir Stramer claim that "Progressives are the only ones with answers." It says a lot about him. He certainly did not provide any answers during the UK debate, so I beg to differ. Liberal Centrists are providing real solutions and real visions for the future. Stramer has spent most of his campaign pretending to be a Liberal Centrist, but this one statement makes it very clear that he is not. This statement also makes clear that he is not open to any new ideas, or any other vision besides the bland, boring vision of Labour, which is essentially no vision at all.

China considers the UK an enemy. China considers the UK to be the cause of their "Century of Humiliation," and it's very clear that they want revenge on the UK. China wants to destroy the UK, or at least control it like a colonial power and humiliate the British people, and it appears that Stramer may allow China to do exactly that, or at least offer no resistance. China's strategy is mostly economic. They hope to dominate the UK economy by destroying British industries one-by-one, but China is also engaged in transnational repression activities on UK soil. They engage in violent attacks against people in the UK that speak out against the Chinese Communist Party. They have done the same thing in the USA. "The extensive scope of Chinaโ€™s transnational repression is a result of a broad and ever-expanding definition of who should be subject to extraterritorial control by the Chinese Communist Party." This definition is no longer limited to Chinese exiles but has expanded to include British and American nationals, including politicians, with no connection to China at all. It's a violation of people's fundamental human rights and an attack on our liberal ideals and values, which they clearly have no respect for. China's narrative about the Opium Wars sheds a lot of light on the opioid epidemic in the USA and Europe. The Chinese narrative claims that the British and French were able to humiliate China by selling opium to the Chinese people, causing the Chinese population to become addicted to the drug, and destroying their society. China is now using illicit fentanyl to attempt to do the same thing to Western countries today.

Many Progressives claim to value human rights and liberal values, and that is why they appeal to voters, yet their policy proposals are often pro-China, creating a path for China to succeed in their goals, some do this wittingly, others not. Perhaps the so-called Progressives just respect communist ideology more than human rights and liberal ideals or their own nations, since communism is supposed to transcend nations and national identities, but the goal of the Chinese Communist Party is clearly not friendly, or one of universal brotherly love. The current Chinese administration is promoting and using the same racist rhetoric and ideology as ultra-nationalists, and their activities in the world have become extremely aggressive and domineering. That is, of course, why I find Stramer's statement so illuminating and alarming.

I'm deeply concerned about the UK right now, and the lack of good leadership in the UK government. Americans wish all of the best for the United Kingdom. Good luck to you and the British people. xo


  1. China's narrative on the Century of Humiliation -
  2. How China's narrative informs it's foreign policy today -
  3. China's transnational repression activities -
  4. China's global police state -
  5. China's illicit fentanyl operations -
  6. Report to the US Congress by the U.S.-China Economic And Security Review Commission -

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