EU-UK Relations

๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง We have always pushed for better relations between the EU and the UK, so I am happy to hear that PM Stramer is focused on that issue. We are also happy that he will be able to improve the trade relations between the UK and the EU, and solve the Northern Ireland dilemma. We were always frustrated by the unwillingness of the Conservatives to negotiate a good deal. There is no valid reason that allies can not work together on trade issues.

US Liberals are committed to creating a new single market with all of our allies, a new free trade market for the free world. This concept is new, radically new, and some world leaders struggle with understanding the vision. They don't understand how we can talk about free trade and push protectionist policies all in the same breath. The idea is to strengthen the economies of all of our allies and our own by creating one market with them, a free trade zone, while protecting our free market and open societies from adversaries that are currently engaged in economic warfare against us. It would also make us the most potent economic force in the entire world, by merging the two largest and most advanced economies in the world together, the EU and the USA, among others. While some of us are experiencing severe labor shortages, others are experiencing high levels of unemployment. There is no valid reason for us to not pool our highly-skilled and highly-educated workforces together to ensure that we are able to succeed. We're also talking about giving small businesses, like the British woman that sells jazz records, access to a much larger population of consumers, so that their businesses can grow and thrive and these individuals can accumulate wealth. We're talking about putting European and American companies on an equal footing by giving them equal access to both markets by merging our markets into one single market. So whether the UK rejoins the EU, is the first to create a new single market with the USA, or does nothing new for the moment - all paths will eventually lead to our goal.

There is no valid reason why strong allies and new generations of brilliant minds can not create a new set of standards that all of our people in the free world will appreciate, and create a new world where all of our citizens have even more freedom than they have now to travel, live, work and do business with all of their friends on both sides of the Atlantic and elsewhere in the free world. There is no valid reason for the citizens of the free world to not have even more freedom to pursue their happiness as they define it.

We hope our allies are interested in this vision. We know that the majority of the citizens in the free world are.


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