The Liberal Party Platfrom

🇺🇸 NATO - We love NATO! NATO is the most important and successful security alliance in the history of the world. It is critical that NATO continues to be central to the US national security strategy and our global security strategy. Modernizing the US nuclear arsenal, and strengthening the Eastern Flank of Europe are two extremely important steps that we will ensure is completed within the next four years so that we may preserve peace in our homelands.

Ukraine and Russia - We will ensure Ukraine defeats Russia as quickly as possible. We will insist that Ukraine does not violate international law and does not commit any war crimes. We will remove all restrictions on Ukraine to use US weapons. Ukraine will be allowed to strike anywhere in Russia, including the Kremlin. We will create a no-fly zone over Ukraine and shoot down any and all Russian missiles targeted at Ukraine or anywhere else in Europe. We will ensure that Vladimir Putin and his cronies are arrested and held accountable for their war crimes against Ukraine. We will invite Ukraine to join NATO as soon as the war is over. We will force Russia to demilitarize Kaliningrad, and we will confiscate the territory from Russia, which never belonged to them in the first place, and return it to Poland and Lithuania to make the Eastern Flank of Europe even more secure.

IPTO - Our allies in the Indo-Pacific are facing more and more security threats from China, Russia, and North Korea. We will create the Indo-Pacific Treaty Organization (IPTO) with all of our treaty allies in the Indo-Pacific. We will create IPTO so that there will be a more organized and effective deterrence against these threats in this region of the world. We will encourage both NATO and IPTO to collaborate and work together on our global collective security.

National Defense - The US military is the biggest employer in the USA. We reject all proposals to cut the US defense budget. We will increase our defense spending to improve our national security posture, ensure the USA remains the strongest military power in the world, and preserve the peace and security of our people for generations to come.

AFRICA - We love Africa. Africa is a land of opportunity. We wish to establish new alliances with the democracies in Africa. We wish to strengthen these African democracies by helping them refinance their national debt and investing in their economies. We wish to move some of our supply chains out of China and onto the African continent. We wish to conduct more trade with democratic African nations.

Israel and the Middle East - We support Israel's right to defend themselves, and we reject terrorism. We will create a new multinational security force to secure Gaza and protect the Palestinian and Israeli people from Hamas terrorists and other Iranian proxies. This force will restore law and order in the territory, prevent chaos, and distribute the much needed humanitarian aid to the innocent Palestinians while ensuring that Hamas terrorists do not get their hands on any of these supplies. Our presence in Gaza will ensure that the Hamas terrorists have no choice but to surrender bringing the war to a rapid end and preventing further civilian casualties.

Securenomics - We wish to create a new free trade zone with all of our allies around the world by combining all of our markets into one single market, and protecting that free market from nations that are engaged in economic warfare against us. Thereby allowing all of the citizens of the free world to have even more freedom to travel, live, work, and do business anywhere they want anytime they want within the free trade zone. We will ban Chinese, Russian, Iranian or North Korean technology companies from this single market to protect our citizens from these malicious regimes. We realize that progress towards this goal will require incremental steps. We propose creating a new single market between the US and the UK as the first step towards this goal. We would also like to invite the UK to join the EU-US Trade and Technology Council to work with us on a new single set of standards for the three of us so that we may one day merge our markets into one. We wish to decouple from China and reshore all of our critical supply chains on US or allied soil. We will also ensure that the USA has the ability to produce ALL critical minerals without any dependence on China whatsoever by investing in these industries.

Transnational Repression - We will ban all weapons sales and military alliances with countries engaged in transnational repression activities on US soil. We will ban all nationals from these countries from entering the USA, and all current ones in the USA will go under 24 hour surveillance to be paid out of their own pocket or they will be sent home. We will establish a new commission in the US Congress to further address this threat and ensure the security and freedom of American citizens.

The Clean Energy Transition and Environmental Policies - We will support a smooth clean energy transition that ensures that only domestic (domestic will include all allies in the future) producers of renewable energy supplies reap the benefits from American investments in clean energy. We will ensure that China does not benefit in any way from American subsidies on clean energy investments. We will ensure that all environmental policies have a positive impact on the US economy. We will only create environmental policies that will improve American livelihoods.

Energy Independence - We will ensure the USA continues to produce it's own energy, so that we are not reliant on the members of OPEC or other malicious regimes for our energy needs. We will continue to be an energy exporter and we will continue to be a reliable supplier of energy for many of our allies around the world. We will continue to diversify our energy supply to ensure we are not overly dependent on a single kind of energy, further strengthening our energy independence and making energy prices less vulnerable to market forces.

Reproductive Rights - We will follow the lead of our ally France, and enshrine women's reproductive rights into the US Constitution. Women have the right to make their own choices - motherhood and family planning are personal choices. We expect the US and state governments to butt out.

Human Rights - We will amend the US Constitution to include the Declaration of Human Rights being the first nation in the world to do so. We will improve on the Declaration of Human Rights to include the LGBTQ community as a protected group, and we will push for the UN to do the same. We will pursue a foreign policy that puts human rights first.

Taxes - First, Americans hate taxes. We believe a healthy society and a healthy economy are dependent on a minimized tax burden. We are opposed to a global wealth tax, a domestic wealth tax, or a billionaires' tax. Billionaires reinvest their wealth into the US economy, and we wish to encourage them to continue to do so. US investments are essential for ensuring that the US economy remains healthy and continues to grow. We are pro-growth. For those billionaires, such as Bill Gates, who claim they are under taxed, we welcome them to pay more taxes and write the IRS a check. The tax levy is a floor, not a ceiling. In fact, we will impose a new billionaires' tax only on those billionaires who support one.

Second, Americans are not "tax cheats." We are opposed to new IRS policies (and the billions of dollars required to enforce them) that scrutinize every single penny of everyday Americans, especially at a time when Americans face huge cost-of-living increases. The IRS was not created to nickel and dime Americans. We believe in the honor system. We believe in trusting everyday Americans to honestly report their income to the IRS. We will cut IRS funding and refocus IRS activities on businesses only.

We will create a new tax on remittances. Remittances are money that flows out of the US economy instead of recirculating within the US economy. Hundreds of billions of dollars flow out of the US economy every year into the economies of our adversaries like China. We will make these practices unfeasible.

Affirmative Action 2.0 - We will ensure that the international student body in the USA is diverse. We will ensure that international students come from every region of the world equally - not just from China and India. We will minimize the number of students coming from unfriendly nations like China and ensure that they are heavily vetted before entering the country. We will also ensure the domestic student body includes students from all walks of life. We will create new fully-funded scholarships for low-income students from urban and rural areas. We will require that every single college and university within the USA provide low-income scholarships every year and they will be funded by the schools they attend rather than US tax payers.

Human Capital - We support a huge investment in human capital. Infrastructure is important, and we supported Biden's push for that, but the USA's human capital also requires a massive new investment. We will support a huge investment in elementary education to ensure the USA is within the top 5 in STEM, and we will ensure we reach that goal within four years. We will also support fully-funded higher education scholarships for US citizens only in disciplines where the USA is currently deficient such as medicine and computer science. We will forgive the student loans of former medical students (US students only) if they will voluntarily work in rural areas for at least 10 years. We will also increase funding for top-tier public universities to increase their domestic student body for specific disciplines. These human capital investments will be funded by a new tax on Big Tech, not Americans.

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