The US Presidential Election

🇺🇸 President Biden’s vow to “pass the torch” is anti-democratic. The president does not have the right to pass the torch to whomever he wants or choose the next presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. Only voters have the right to make that choice. If Biden wanted to pass the torch to a new generation, he should have made the decision before the primary election. The Democratic Party decided to wait until after the primary election, because they know that Kamala Harris can not win a primary election. They deliberately chose to violate the rights of the American people.

It is clear now after the president's address that both political parties are extremely corrupt, so Liberals will be working harder than ever to fight for the rights of the American people. We will push for new legislation that ensures voters are never disenfranchised by another political party ever again. We will make it a criminal act to conspire to disenfranchise voters. We will ensure that all US presidential candidates are elected by the people for the people via a primary election, not appointed by so-called powerbrokers for special interests, especially foreign interests. We promise to hold all relevant actors accountable for violating one of our most important human rights - the right to vote. Liberals will always defend the fundamental human rights of Americans.

We will not support or endorse a presidential candidate that has not been elected by the American people via a primary election. xo

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